Valera Municipality Greenlights New Ordinances for Municipal Markets and Public Events


Jose Rojas CNP 25.946


Valera Municipal Council Approves Key Ordinance Reforms

This Tuesday, during the ​ordinary ⁣session‌ of the Valera ⁢Municipal Council, attended by ‌the majority⁣ of councilors, significant reforms‍ to two key ordinances ⁤were approved:

  • The Supply Service and Markets of the Valera Municipality.
  • The Public Shows ⁢ordinance⁣ in‍ the Valera municipality.

All articles were read ​in detail ⁤by the municipal secretary, Magaly‍ Graterol, and received unanimous support from ⁤the ​council members.

Additionally,‌ Minutes 26, 27, and 28, pertaining to the months of July⁤ and⁢ August, were approved ‌without objection.

Councilor Iraly Guerrero delivers a Management Report.

Approval of⁤ Additional Credit

In a related matter, Additional Credit number 10,2024‌ was approved, amounting​ to One Million Six Hundred ⁢Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Eight Bolivars with Ninety-Six Cents (1,608,788.96). This⁤ funding was explained by Siobe Mejía, ⁣president of the Finance Commission, ​indicating it derived from the differences⁤ in payments⁢ made by the Valera​ Mayor’s Office, Municipal Council, ⁢and attached ​Institutions‌ through the​ Patria System.

The‍ credit⁣ corresponds to the percentage withheld from the Twelfth, ⁢utilized by‍ the⁤ Central Administration during⁣ July, in accordance with articles 165 ⁤of the CRBV and 92 and 95 of the LOPPM. The approval was achieved by a ⁢majority vote.

Valera Municipal ​Council Meeting
A moment from ⁢the​ Valera Municipal Council Meeting.


Councilman Rafael Torrealba Rejects Wave of Violence

Support for the TSJ

In multiple ⁣statements,‍ Councilman and President of the People’s Social Protection Commission, ‍Rafael Torrealba, expressed the PSUV Party’s ⁢condemnation of the violent ⁣acts that transpired last Friday, resulting in widespread power outages across the nation. “Thanks to the contingency plan orchestrated by President Nicolás Maduro, the situation was addressed ⁤promptly. We are committed to‌ collaborating ⁣with the state governor and​ Mayor Angie Quintana to restore peace in Trujillo,” he stated.

Additionally, Andreina Vielma, ⁣president of the Municipal Council, delivered a statement⁤ reinforcing support for the TSJ and CNE regarding the election results that reaffirmed Nicolás ‌Maduro as President of ‍the Republic. “From the ‍Valera municipality, we respect this ruling and denounce‍ any acts of fascism and hatred. In Venezuela, the people have spoken,‌ and they chose Nicolás Maduro as their leader,” she asserted.

President of the Municipal Chamber, Andreina Vielma, reads the statement
President of the Municipal Chamber, ⁣Andreina Vielma, reads the statement

Management Reports and Local Issues

In a separate matter, ⁢Councilors Luis‍ Daniel Reyes and Iraly Guerrero provided management reports, where Reyes, as president of the ⁤Productive⁤ Economy Commission, requested⁢ a​ response from the municipal executive​ during a chamber session. The focus was on ​the clearing and ‌organization of the central area of Valera, ⁣as well as communication with the‍ director of Urban Sanitation regarding ⁣the recovery of service vehicles, following the state governor’s announcement concerning the termination of‍ their collaboration agreement.

Improvements to the Municipal⁣ Chamber

To conclude the session, ⁤the municipal president outlined ongoing renovations within the⁣ municipal⁤ chamber, which include repairs to ‌chairs, ‍upgrades to air conditioning systems, ⁤enhancements in ⁢technological equipment for offices, ‍and the provision of materials for councilors and​ office staff.



Councilman Rafael Torrealba Rejects Wave of Violence

Support for the TSJ

In multiple statements, Councilman and President of the Valera Municipal Council, Rafael Torrealba, criticized the recent surge of violence affecting the municipality. He emphasized the importance of community safety and urged local authorities to take immediate action. The councilman expressed support for the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) in its efforts to uphold law and order, calling for collaborative measures to combat crime.

Immediate Actions Proposed

During the session, Torrealba proposed a series of immediate actions aimed at reducing crime rates, including increasing police presence in vulnerable neighborhoods and fostering community engagement through local programs. He highlighted the need for a comprehensive approach that involves all stakeholders in the community, including residents, business owners, and law enforcement agencies.

Council Support

The proposal received support from fellow council members, who agreed that tackling violence should be a priority for the municipal government. Additional discussions were held regarding the allocation of funds for public safety initiatives and community outreach programs, emphasizing the need for a united front against crime in Valera.

Next Steps

The council plans to convene again next week to further discuss Torrealba's proposals and develop an action plan to address the violence issue in Valera effectively. Community feedback will also be sought to ensure that initiatives align with residents' needs and concerns.



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