Valentine’s Day | Ideas of love letters and messages to give this February 14 Valentine’s Day

Only hours left to start Valentine’s Day or also known as the Valentine’s Daywhere couples usually make presents to commemorate the famous Day of love.

Therefore, this occasion is beneficial for trade, since there are infinite opportunities. offers of balloons, letters, stuffed animals, flowers, jewelry, 2×1 trips, getaways within the national territory in different hotels, special dinners and other scenarios.

The date of this celebration is contemplated for tomorrow monday february 14 And if you still do not have the perfect gift for your partner, here are some ideas to write the letter of Valentine’s Day perfect for your girlfriend or boyfriend.

Love letters and messages to dedicate on February 14

love letter no. 1

Happy Valentine’s Day, love!

Hi my love. One more Valentine’s Day that we spend together and I feel really happy to be able to celebrate this day with you.

Know? Every time a February 14th arrives and we spend it together, I wish in my heart that the following February 14th we continue together to celebrate it too.

I would feel so empty if Valentine’s Day arrived and you weren’t by my side, the truth is I can’t imagine being with anyone other than you on this date.

I love seeing you smile and that’s why I want to make this day a really special one for you, an unforgettable day in which I show you once again how in love I am with you.

Happy day of love to you, princess, the one who warms my heart with her tenderness, with her kisses and her caresses, I hope to spend every February 14 and every day of my life by your side. Love you.

love letter no. 2

Hi my love.
Today is Valentine’s Day and more than just greeting you and giving you chocolates, I wanted to give you something deeper, something that you can keep with affection and that reminds you over and over again how much I love you.

I know how much you like me to write letters to you and that is why I am encouraged today to express once again my feelings for you in these lines that I hope will touch your heart.

Since we met I wanted to be more than your friend and I was lucky because you reciprocated my feelings.

I would have been so unhappy if I hadn’t been able to earn your love… but now I’m the happiest man in the world because you and I are together and because we can once again celebrate a Valentine’s Day that I hope will be unforgettable.

Only you manage to make me write letters, make me talk about what I feel, what I dream of, what I want in life.

While others believe that I am cold, only you know who I really am, that I love you and that I would give everything for you.

Love, you are the only girl for me, you make me really happy and I hope that we have nothing to spoil it, that we continue to love each other like this, with this pure, sincere and real love. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.

Love letter No. 3

Happy Valentine’s Day, my life.

Since you are with me I feel that the world has changed, it must be that I have changed and that I see the world with different eyes, happier, more hopeful and all thanks to your love.

If you go with me hand in hand, if I have you by my side everything is better, I see everything very clearly, the problems are left behind, your smile has the power of that and much more.

Today that we celebrate our first Valentine’s Day together, I want everything to be perfect so that this day will remain forever in our hearts as a sign of our great love.

That every time you are sad or doubt at least a little about the love I feel for you, remember this day and then know that I love you with all the best of me.

You are the only one that makes me smile when your memories come to my mind, when I remember your occurrences, your laughter; I am filled with tenderness when I remember your kisses, your caresses and your way of loving.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want you to keep passing me by for the rest of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.

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