Valencia: At least 95 dead from the floods

Valencia: At least 95 dead from the floods

The worst flash floods in three decades have swept through the Valencia region in eastern Spain after torrential rains on Tuesday left towns and roads submerged.

Three days of national mourning

The Spanish government has declared three days of national mourning today after heavy flooding has killed at least 64 people in southeastern Spain, according to the latest estimates. The three-day mourning will begin tomorrow, Thursday, October 31, and will last until Saturday, November 2, Ángel Victor Torres, Minister of Territorial Policy, told reporters, adding that Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez will travel to the site tomorrow.

A Greek resident who lives in the Valencia region, speaking to the First Program, initially emphasized that “We experienced scenes of the Apocalypse”. Afterwards, Mr. Pierre Orphanidis characteristically mentioned the following: “It took at least 5 hours to call 112. We have not experienced this phenomenon for 30 years. Rain fell that falls in a year, in an hour.’ And at the same time he added “We Greeks are safe. We are a small community of 25 people.” Finally, once again he pointed out: “The meteorologists had warned us, but not about the intensity of the phenomenon.”

Earlier, the Spanish prime minister, addressing the citizens, stressed that they should remain cautious. Pedro Sanchez said yellow warnings are still in place in several areas of southern Spain, he says.

Residents of areas such as Valencia, Andalusia and Catalonia should take precautions. Try not to drive or be near bridges, he says, urging people not to put their lives at risk.

Spain has suffered many emergencies in recent years, but the country always shows its best side in difficult situations, he says, referring to the Covid-19 pandemic and previous natural disasters. Continuing, Spain’s prime minister tells flood victims “we will not abandon you.”

Valencia: At least 95 dead from the floods

He says many people are facing uncertainty, but Spain will help them – and have all the resources for people to get their lives and homes back.

Emergency services are working tirelessly, he says, including local police, NGOs and the Guardia Civil – the national police force with military status.

Sanchez says a government crisis committee, which was set up yesterday, will continue to work with the mayors of the affected areas. Sanchez concluded his remarks with an appeal to residents in the affected areas to heed the warnings issued by officials. We have not been given any significant update on the number of people killed or injured due to the floods. At this time, we know that at least 51 people are known to have died.

Torrential rains flooded roads and towns on Tuesday, causing cars to drift onto roads, a train derailment and damage to homes and buildings.

Authorities in the worst-hit areas had advised people to stay at home and avoid unnecessary travel.

According to state broadcaster TVE, police said at least 13 people had died in the floods that hit southeastern Spain.

Hours earlier, the leader of the Valencia region told reporters that bodies had been found, but did not give a number “out of respect for the families”.

“They were found dead, but out of respect for the families, we will not give more details,” said Carlos Mathon, head of local authorities in the Valencia region. The media even mention 13 dead, including children.

On Tuesday night, authorities said at least seven were missing: six in the city of Letur, in the province of Albacete, in the Castile-La Mancha region, and another — a truck driver — in the city of Alcudia, in the Valencia region.

Earlier, the national government office for the Castilla La Mancha region told Cadena Ser radio channel that six people in the region were missing.

In Letur, near the Sierra de Segura, 30 people were trapped when the river that runs through the town swelled.

Dozens of videos shared on social media appeared to show people trapped in floodwaters, several hanging from trees to avoid being swept away. Authorities used helicopters to rescue some residents from their homes.

Other videos shared by Spanish broadcasters showed floodwaters rising to the lower levels of houses and even carrying cars onto the street.

Radio and television stations received hundreds of calls for help from people trapped in flooded areas or searching for loved ones, as emergency services were unable to reach all affected locations.

Radio and TV stations are receiving hundreds of calls for help from people trapped in flooded areas or looking for loved ones, the BBC reports, as emergency services struggle to reach some areas.

Emergency workers are using drones to search for the missing in the town of Letur r, local official Milagros Tolon told Spanish public broadcaster TVE. “The priority is to find these people,” he said.

Spain’s state meteorological agency AEMET declared a red alert in the Valencia region, while areas in Andalusia were also put on alert.

Some areas such as Touris and Utiel recorded 200 millimeters of rain.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is following reports of missing people “with concern” “I am informed with concern about the information about missing people and damage caused by the storm in the last hours,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said via X, also calling on citizens to follow the instructions of the authorities. “Be very careful and avoid useless movements,” he stressed.

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#Valencia #dead #floods

Change placeholder text javascript

It looks like you have ‌a snippet of JavaScript code that handles various ad loading ⁣and integration scripts for different advertising and messaging⁣ services. However, the script is incomplete and contains placeholder comments and ⁣strings that need proper values to function⁤ correctly.

Here’s a simplified and structured version of your script, along with sections commented out for clarity. You can fill in the placeholder strings where necessary:


function initializeAdsAndServices() {

⁢ // Remove existing Google AdSense ads based on some condition

if (/* some condition */) {

‌ document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {

⁤ e.querySelector(‘.adsbygoogle’).remove();

‌ ⁢ });


⁣ const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

⁤ ⁢ ‌ const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;

‍if (adSenseSlotCount >⁣ 0) {

⁤ // ​Load required scripts‌ for existing AdSense slots

​ adSenseSlots.forEach(function(e) {

// asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT’);



‌ // OneSignal Init

window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


⁤appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

‍ });


// Disqus configuration

‍ var disqus_config = function() {

⁤ ⁤ ​ ‌= “PAGE_URL”; //⁢ Assign the proper page URL = 1555035; // Assign unique⁢ page identifier


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​ ⁤s = d.createElement(‘script’);

s.src = “”; // Replace with your Disqus URL

s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

⁢ (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);

⁤ })();

}, 3000);

function cmpActionCompleted() {

// Load additional scripts,‍ e.g., ⁤for OCM & DFP

‌ ⁤ // asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_OCM_SCRIPT’);

‌ // Load CleverCore ⁤(if needed)

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⁢ a ‌|| (a = document.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(“body”)[0]);

‌ a.parentNode.insertBefore(c, a);

})(document, window);

‌ */

⁢ //⁤ Additional ad scripts

// asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_TABOOLA’);

​ // asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_GOOGLE_ADSENSE’);

// Glomex ads handling

if (document.querySelectorAll(‘glomex-integration’).length) {

‍ ‌ setTimeout(function() {

asyncLoadModule(‘URL_TO_GLOMEX_MODULE’); // Replace with actual module

‌ ⁤ ⁣ }, 2000);


‍ // Dalecta ⁤script loading

setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_DALECTA_SCRIPT’), 800);

‍ }


// Call‌ the function ​to initialize



### Key ⁢Considerations:

– ​Replace placeholder text like `”PAGE_URL”`,⁣ `”URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT”`, etc., with ‍actual URLs‍ or‌ identifiers suited for your application.

-‌ Ensure that your ‌ad loading functions, ⁢such as `asyncLoadScript()` and `asyncLoadModule()`, are defined ​elsewhere in your code.

– Uncomment and‌ adapt the script according to your requirements, making sure‌ to fill in any missing details.

– Be aware of⁤ the implications of using multiple ad scripts, ⁣as they⁢ can impact page load speed and​ user experience. Always test for compatibility.

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