Val Terbi wants to expand its area of ​​activity

Val Terbi intends to develop its attractiveness. The General Council of the merged municipality met on Tuesday at the municipal center of Vicques. The elected officials unanimously approved an expenditure of more than 850,000 francs for the acquisition of an area of ​​approximately 9,200 m2 for the extension of the business park in Vicques. This was an important element in the context of the revision of the PAL: “It is necessary to buy this surface if we want to extend the craft and industrial zone to pass the local development plan to the canton”, explains the mayor of Val Terbi Claude-Alain Chapatte. The Territorial Planning Department wants the municipality to have control over the land and to be able to guarantee its legal availability. “The municipal authorities will then be able to steer the establishment of the special plan to finalize the equipment of the site and manage the establishment of new businesses, and thus prevent these areas from remaining unused”.

A promise of sale and purchase has been signed with a private person before a notary for a portion of land of over 9,200 m2 to be separated from two plots located in an agricultural zone to pass them into the “La Romaine” industrial zone. Other land will be provided in compensation to the current owner. The various commissions consider this acquisition compatible with the financial capacities of the municipality. This will offer new reception possibilities in a sector well placed at the entrance to Vicques and well served by public transport with a view to the future economic development of the town. This purchase is conditional on the acceptance of the PAL by the people, who may have to decide in 2023.

A bus shelter in each village and a 5G antenna in Vicques

Among the other points on the agenda, the General Council of Val Terbi unanimously accepted a postulate from Jean-Paul Chételat who asks the Municipal Council to carry out a study for the establishment of at least one bus shelter. equipped by village, in particular to promote the use of public transport. This includes a shelter for passengers, a bike park and accessibility for people with reduced mobility. The executive is in favor of it, but stresses that it will be necessary to take into account, in particular, the availability of land for the construction of such structures, the verification of the need clause, and the specific conditions set by the canton and PostBus. .

The elected officials also accepted an investment of 85,000 francs for the installation of 98 photovoltaic panels on the roof of the school building in Corban. The installation will cover an area of ​​179 m2 with an annual production estimate of 48,000 kWh, for a return on investment of 7 years.

In addition, information was also provided on the installation of a 5G antenna in Vicques. The municipal council has accepted an offer from Swisscom for the installation of a 5G antenna around the football field. The latter will have to replace that of 3G and 4G technology which is currently located near the Mill, the owner of the land not wishing for a new installation. “It was in the general interest to accept this offer and to accept that it be installed in this place. 5G technology is essential in the long term, it consumes less energy, and the collaboration with Swisscom guarantees to choose a location outside the built heritage,” explained Claude-Alain Chapatte. Other projects are underway in the territory of Val Terbi.

A cross-party resolution once morest the Balance Plan 22-26

Finally, elected officials unanimously accepted a cross-party resolution drafted by Patrick Cerf. The text asks that the Jura Government renounce measure n°610 “Neutralization of financial effects in favor of municipalities” of its 22-26 Balance Plan and that it take into account the situation of municipalities, especially those with a low financial capacity. “This artificial mechanism has the consequence of not allowing the municipalities to benefit from the savings that will be obtained thanks to the measures of the plan”, explains the text, which underlines that Val Terbi would be deprived of savings of up to 200,000 francs on average per year. In addition, the Val Terbi General Council is asking the Jura Association of Municipalities (AJC) to do everything possible to minimize the impact on the municipalities of this plan, which includes 80 measures for savings of 34 million francs. /emu

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