Vaessen keeps goal clean and takes title of King of the Match

Monday, August 26, 2024 at 12:00

Goalkeeper Etienne Vaessen was voted King of the Match by the supporters in Euroborg on Sunday afternoon. The second time in a row that the goalkeeper won the election. FC Groningen kept a clean sheet against AZ and thus took a point. Jorg Schreuders came second behind Vaessen, Leandro Bacuna received enough votes for third place.

The King of the Match is declared every competition match. The player who is at the top after the last regular competition home match of the season is declared Player of the Year. In case of an equal total of points, the number of King of the Match elections is decisive. Players who leave during the season are removed from the overall ranking.

For home matches, the King of the Match will be announced immediately after the final whistle. For away matches, supporters can submit their King of the Match until after the match weekend. Voting is possible via:

The player who is declared King of the Match receives three points for the overall ranking, number 2 receives two points and number 3 receives one point for the ranking.

King of the Match AZ-home

  • Etienne Vaessen
  • Jorg Schreuders
  • Leandro Bacuna
  • General Classification Player of the Year 2025:

    1.Etienne Vaessen6 points2.Jorg Schreuders6 points3.Leandro Bacuna5 points4.Rui Mendes1 point



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