Vaccination is advancing in the Alpes-Maritimes

The acceleration is highly anticipated by the LGBT community. Vaccination against monkeypox began several weeks ago, but the number of people vaccinated is not so high in the Alpes-Maritimes (600 doses administered). To organize and speed up vaccination, the department opened slots at the CeGIDD in Nice in mid-July and now the antennas of Antibes and Menton will also offer the vaccine against smallpox.

How it works ?

Vaccination works by appointment. To take one, you have to go either through the Doctolib platform, or by calling the toll-free number set up by the department: 0 805 560 666. Getting an appointment may take some time.

Once the appointment has been won, head for the CeGIDD (8 avenue Baquis in Nice, or soon in the branches of Antibes and Menton). There you will be taken care of by the administrative staff before having a medical consultation. A consultation to establish the need or not for vaccination.

Once the vaccination prescription has been received, the first dose of the vaccine can be administered. For people born before 1974, this first dose will suffice, as antibodies are already present in their body following the vaccination received during their childhood. For people born after this date, it will take two doses injected 28 days apart to be protected.. The vaccine will be 95% effective 6 weeks after the first dose thanks to the booster.

Why can it take a long time to get an appointment?

On Doctolib, it is possible that no time slot is open. The explanation lies in the method of receiving the vaccine doses. They are allocated by the ARS each week according to the forecast needs of the centres, so it is impossible to anticipate too large quantities. The slots are therefore open day by day.

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Who is prioritized for vaccination?

The High Authority of Health has communicated on the public to be vaccinated in priority. The people concerned by preventive vaccination are first men who have sex with multiple male partners, male and female sex workers, as well as people working in conviviality sites in contact with these audiences. To this preventive vaccination is added the vaccination of contact cases.

The acceleration of vaccination comes as concern grows after the announcement of the first deaths possibly linked to the disease in Spain and now in India.

The CeGIDD provides for a vaccination rate of 200 doses per week, it is estimated in the Alpes-Maritimes at 4000 the number of people eligible in priority.

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