vaccination does not cause menstrual cycle disorders

The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) made public on Tuesday March 20 a study on the effects of Covid-19 vaccination on women’s cycles. Led by researcher Alexandra Alvergne, it denies the responsibility previously attributed to the vaccine in menstruation disorders.

The researcher and her team analyzed the results of a survey in which 12,000 women took part in 2021 in the United Kingdom. Among them, one in five reported menstrual changes following their vaccination. But in reality, other factors would explain these hormonal imbalances: stress, smoking, a previous condition with Covid-19 or the use of contraceptive pills without estradiol.

“Anxiety is an element that disrupts the menstrual cycle. Many women who are prone to stress have already had delays”, confirms Joëlle Belaisch Allart, president of the National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF). For her, the period of general suspicion and apprehension linked to the disease partly explains the troubles encountered by women.

Against the word of women

Health professionals welcome the release of this study. Doctor Odile Bagot, gynecologist in Strasbourg, however, has a reservation: “There is still a risk of a counter-productive effect. Women who have problems, and who have associated them with vaccination, will not feel heard. »

For her, social networks have participated negatively in the association of the disorders with the vaccine once morest Covid-19. “They shared their symptoms online, causing others to wonder if they had the same. It had truth value. These women would then go to the doctor for confirmation.”she observes… but some patients left dissatisfied with the consultations. “Questioning their word is very bad”regrets Dr. Odile Bagot.

If no causality between vaccination and menstrual disorders is proven, the same is true for the supposed risks for pregnancy according to Joëlle Belaisch Allart. “We especially notice that there is more risk of miscarriage and problems during pregnancy when women are not vaccinated, because they are more fragile if they fall ill with Covid-19. »



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