Vaccination: A Crucial Shield in the Fight Against Childhood Diseases

2024-09-09 10:00:07

In 2023, WHO and UNICEF noted a stagnation in childhood vaccination coverage worldwide, leading to a resurgence of certain diseases, such as measles. However, young children are more exposed to the risks of complications from these diseases, with the majority of measles-related deaths recorded in 2022 affecting children under 5 years of age.

Why does the vaccine remain an essential means of prevention against childhood diseases? What are the barriers to this vaccination? How can we better raise awareness and supply populations?

Pr Madeleine Folquet Amorissani, Head of the Pediatrics Department Cocody CHU in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Head of the Mother and Child Department at the Training and Research Unit (UFR) of Medical Sciences at the Félix Houphouët-Boigny University. President of the Ivorian Society of Pediatrics.

At the end of the broadcast, we talk about the 7th congress of the Ivorian Society of Hematology-Immunology-Oncology-Blood Transfusion which will be held from September 11 to 13 in Bassam, Ivory Coast and which will address diagnostic and therapeutic advances. Interview with Prof. Liliane Kouabla Siransyassociate professor in immunology-allergology at the UFR Medical Sciences of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny University of Abidjan. President of SIHIO-TS. National coordinator of laboratories of transfusion centers in Côte d’Ivoire.

Musical programming :

Marina P, Dumis9ne – Everything

Yuma – Elli Done

#Vaccination #childhood #diseases #Health #priority

Here are some “People Also ‍Ask” (PAA) related questions for the title: **The Importance of Childhood Vaccination: Breaking‍ Down‌ the Barriers to Prevention**:

The Importance of Childhood Vaccination: Breaking Down the Barriers to Prevention

In ​2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF reported ‍a‍ stagnation in childhood vaccination coverage worldwide, leading to a resurgence of diseases such as measles. This trend is⁢ alarming,‌ as young children are more vulnerable to the risks‍ of complications ⁤from these diseases. According ⁤to‌ the WHO,⁤ the majority of measles-related deaths recorded in 2022 affected children under 5 years of age [[2]].

Why Vaccines⁣ Remain Essential

Vaccines are a crucial means of‌ preventing childhood diseases, and their importance cannot be overstated. Vaccination​ not only protects the individual child but also helps prevent the spread of diseases in the ⁣community, thereby protecting those who are too young to be vaccinated or have compromised immune systems.

The benefits of vaccination are numerous. Vaccines have been⁢ instrumental in controlling and eliminating‌ diseases such as smallpox, ⁤polio, and measles. They have⁢ also significantly reduced the incidence of diseases such as mumps,⁢ rubella,⁤ and whooping cough. Moreover, vaccines have also been shown to reduce the burden of disease on healthcare‍ systems and economies [[1]].

Barriers to Vaccination

Despite the⁤ importance of vaccination, there‍ are several barriers that hinder its uptake. One major obstacle is misinformation and misconceptions about vaccines. Many ⁣parents are hesitant to vaccinate their children due to concerns about vaccine safety and efficacy. However, these concerns are largely unfounded, and the scientific⁣ community has repeatedly demonstrated the​ safety and effectiveness ⁢of vaccines.

Another significant barrier is access to vaccines, particularly in low-income countries. Many children ‍in these countries lack access to basic healthcare services,⁢ including vaccination. This is often due ⁤to limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of⁢ trained​ healthcare workers.

Raising Awareness and‍ Increasing Supply

So, how can we better raise awareness and increase ‌access to vaccines? One approach is to educate parents and caregivers about the importance ⁢of vaccination ⁤and⁤ address their concerns through evidence-based information.‍ Healthcare workers, policymakers, ​and community leaders can play a critical role in promoting⁢ vaccination and providing accurate information.

Another ‍strategy is to⁤ improve access to vaccines, particularly in low-income countries. This can be achieved ‍through increased investment in healthcare infrastructure, training of healthcare workers, and provision of vaccines and ⁢other essential supplies. Governments, international organizations, and non-profit organizations can work together to ensure that all‌ children have access to life-saving vaccines.

childhood vaccination is a critical component of public health, and it is essential that we overcome the barriers to‍ vaccination. By ⁤educating parents and caregivers, improving access to vaccines, and⁢ promoting awareness, we can ensure that all children have the opportunity to receive ‍the protection they need to‌ thrive.


[1] OECD. (n.d.). Child vaccination rates. Retrieved from ⁣

[2] WHO. ‍(2024). Global childhood immunization ​levels stalled‍ in 2023.‍ Retrieved from

[3] CDC. (n.d.). ChildVaxView. Retrieved from​

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Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title “The Importance of Childhood Vaccination: Breaking Down the Barriers to Prevention”:

The Importance of Childhood Vaccination: Breaking Down the Barriers to Prevention

In 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF reported a stagnation in childhood vaccination coverage worldwide, leading to a resurgence of certain diseases, such as measles. Young children are more exposed to the risks of complications from these diseases, with the majority of measles-related deaths recorded in 2022 affecting children under 5 years of age. This highlights the importance of childhood vaccination in preventing the spread of diseases and protecting young lives.

Despite the significance of vaccination, there are several barriers that hinder its effectiveness. These barriers can be categorized into parent-related factors, knowledge and awareness, healthcare system-related factors, and socioeconomic factors[[[3]].

Parent-related factors

Parents play a crucial role in ensuring their children receive the recommended vaccinations. However, some parents may lack knowledge about childhood vaccinations, have unreasonable fears about vaccine safety, or may be influenced by misinformation [[1]]. Additionally, some parents may have concerns about the number of vaccines required, the potential side effects, or the perceived risks associated with vaccinations.

Knowledge and awareness

Lack of knowledge and awareness about childhood vaccinations is a significant barrier to immunization. Many parents may not be aware of the recommended vaccination schedule, the importance of vaccinations, or the risks associated with not vaccinating their children[[[3]]. Healthcare providers can play a crucial role in educating parents about the benefits and risks of vaccinations, addressing their concerns, and providing reliable information.

Healthcare system-related factors

Healthcare system-related factors, such as inadequate infrastructure, shortage of vaccines, and lack of access to healthcare services, can also hinder vaccination efforts [[2]]. In some communities, there may be a lack of trust in the healthcare system, leading to low vaccination rates.

Socioeconomic factors

Socioeconomic factors, such as poverty, lack of education, and cultural beliefs, can also impact vaccination rates. In some communities, there may be a lack of access to healthcare services, making it difficult for parents to vaccinate their children. Additionally, cultural beliefs and values may influence vaccination decisions, highlighting the need for culturally sensitive education and outreach programs.

Breaking down the barriers



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