Vacancy offers $3,500 per week for more than 27 “multitask” tasks

  • More than half of Mexican workers do not have benefits or have any mechanism that favors their social security.

  • From 2020 to 2022 the employed population grew 25.8 percent; 11.9 million in the formal economy and 13.8 million in the informal.

  • Last year, 17.4 million people (30.1 percent of the employed population) received up to a minimum wage (172.87 pesos).

Although it is true that in the face of a challenging labor market and high demand, professionals have had to diversify and learn to manage interdisciplinary tasks that go beyond their field of expertise or are associated with adjacent areas, this does not mean that companies They can try to fill a vacancy with “multitask” tasks that border on labor exploitation and cover various spaces with a single person and a single payroll… but they do exist and there are many who resort to this type of method that harms the candidates and, finally, to his own organization.

An example of this is going viral on Facebook with dozens of critics, because The company, whose name or company name is not revealed, published a vacancy for a position with more than 27 functions for a salary of 3,500 pesos per week and, in addition, with activities that belong to different corporate areas.

And it is that this type of practices in the selection processes and Human Resources are illegal and are increasingly exposed on social networks, since the new labor force (concentrated by millennials y centennials) is less tolerant of violations of their labor rights.

However, it is precisely this group of the population that suffers the most from an unstable or unfair labor market, since by filtering their interests with the offer, it is increasingly difficult for them to find work; in fact, according to statistics from the National Occupation and Employment Survey (ENOE) of December 2022, Around 38 million people in the country suffer from job insecurity situations, alternating unemployment, lack of contract and benefits, with a payment of up to a minimum wage or no fixed income.

For this reason, the tendency to try to “cancel” companies through the viralization of this type of offer is growing, since It is very common to find requests such as: work weekends (no Sunday bonus); “extra effort” (extended hours without higher pay); know how to work “under pressure” (where they recognize their poor personnel management and the lack of skills or investment to meet the demands of the position); or “control of emotions” (exposing their inability to comply with NOM 35 and admitting to having a work environment that promotes stress or workplace harassment). All this added, in most cases, to a salary below the professional average and even below the legal minimum fee.

Unfortunately, many accept these “conditions” even though they violate the Federal Labor Law (LFT) due to the economic difficulties the country is going through, where 7 out of 10 young people between the ages of 18 and 29 have difficulties entering the formal labor market, according to the study ‘Lack of job opportunities for young people in Mexico’.

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Vacancy offers $3,500 per week for more than 27 tasks

The name of the company is not yet revealed, but the way it manages its tasks and its employees is transparent to Internet users. This viral job opening is creating a stir, derision, anger and concern because of the type of position you are applying for.

It is a huge list of requirements that are not related to each other for the same position, position or profession. There are more than 27 functions to perform for a loose 3,500 pesos a week (around 14,000 pesos a month).

Among the many tasks in which the applicant must have experience is checking that the staff check entry time, preparing reports, keeping a logistic control of raw materials, training new employees, supervising security plans, carrying out “inherent activities in charge” that are requested by the immediate supervisor and even motivate the operators. All this with an extra prize: schedule rotation and use of your personal car.

Although most of the jobs are focused on a production area, Internet users did not hesitate to criticize this job offer in which the same person acts as administrator, security, HR and motivational coach.

“All he needed was to ask him to put up the capital for the company to work,” Guillermo Marquez

“This is the shittiest job I’ve ever seen. 14 thousand for leaving the whole skin at work ”, Mari Carmen OR

“Having responsibilities for process, product and maintenance engineering says there”, Saul Carreon

“How horrible that these types of job offers are so common here in Mexico. It is already so normalized that we do the 5 positions for a salary and if you refuse you are lazy and ungrateful. How bad we are and the worst thing is that there is no one to regulate this ”, Guillermo G. Aguilar

Let us remember that labor exploitation, together with more serious cases, is recognized in the LFT to the acts in which the employer abuses the employee through his effort and working hours; Beyond a salary, it implies a series of social, economic, moral, physical and mental aspects that affect workers.

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