Vaca Muerta boosted oil production from the Neuquén Basin to 400,000 barrels per day

2023-04-27 03:30:00

The Vaca Muerta deposits in Neuquén brought the production of the Neuquén Basin to over 400,000 barrels per day for the first time in at least 17 years. While the rest of the provinces that are part of the main hydrocarbon region of the country fight to avoid the decline, the developments of the shale formation today represent almost 75% of the total extracted.

According to official reports from the National Energy Secretariat, the oil production of the Neuquén Basin in March yielded a daily average of 407,186 barrels per day. In this way, the barrier of 400,000 was broken, which in February had been almost at the door after showing a daily average of 399,996 barrels.

The computer records of Flavia Royon’s portfolio have data up to 2006 and the production level reached in March in the Neuquén Basin is the highest in that entire series.. With which, the performance of March was positioned as the best in the last 17 years.

barrels of oil per day were produced in the Neuquén Basin during March.

At an interannual level, the production of the main basin of Argentina increased its yields by more than 22%, since in the same month last year 333,036 barrels of oil were pumped per day. This means that today 74,150 more barrels are extracted per day.

This last piece of information is key to understanding where the new barrels in the basin come from, and it is that if we look the annual productive increase of the shale we see that they expanded by 78,300 barrels per dayto. The difference? The decline of other provinces: let’s see in detail.

Neuquén, country

That Neuquén is the energy engine of the basin and the country is already indisputable, and the data allows us to sustain that statement with a lot of waist. Last month the extractions of the province were 332,292 barrels of oil per dayof which 300,000 came from the bedrock of Vaca Muerta.

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It is a number that marks the importance of the shale not only for Neuquén and that, in addition, shows that the formation takes care of almost 75% of the extractions of the basin. A color fact is that the total production of the province last month is almost the same as the entire basin had exactly one year ago.

The second most important province in the basin is Mendoza, although its current extractions are well below Neuquén. Official records show that 38,947 barrels per day were withdrawn in March. On a year-over-year basis he added about 1,500 barrels a day to his tally.

Río Negro and La Pampa are the other two provinces that are part of the basin and, in addition to registering low levels, both lost production in the last year. In the case of the first, in March it pumped 21,186 barrels per day, while La Pampa about 14,759 barrels per day. Its extractions fell more than 5%.

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