Uttar Pradesh’s Innovative Digital Media Policy: Monetizing Government Appreciation

The government of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has come up with a new digital media policy that will reward praise for the government’s work and disciplinary action for any unusual criticism.

The Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh has announced that those who appreciate government projects related to public welfare will be given reward money.

On the other hand, those who share obscene, indecent and anti-national content will also face punishment.

Interestingly, the Uttar Pradesh government claims that this policy is actually a major effort to end unemployment across the state.

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Opposition parties, social media, non-governmental organizations and social media influencers say that the government is actually giving bribes by giving money to praise its projects. He says that blocking the way of constructive criticism is not right at all.

The Uttar Pradesh government, while clarifying the digital media policy, has said that the maximum reward for feedback on government projects will be five lakh rupees.

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Rewards are based on how many people viewed, liked and followed the feedback. At the general level this policy has been received with mixed reactions.

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2024-09-06 06:38:20
The Controversial Digital Media Policy of ⁤Uttar Pradesh: Rewarding Praise and Punishing Criticism

In ⁢a move that has sparked widespread controversy, the government ⁢of Uttar Pradesh, ⁢led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, has introduced a new ⁢digital media policy that has raised eyebrows across the country. According to this policy, individuals who ‌praise the government’s projects related to public welfare will be rewarded with monetary incentives, while those who share⁢ “obscene, indecent, and anti-national” content will face punishment. The policy has been met with criticism from opposition ⁢parties, social media, non-governmental organizations, and social media influencers, who claim that the government is attempting⁣ to silence dissenting voices and ⁣bribe individuals into praising its projects.

Rewarding Praise:⁢ A Bribe Disguised as Incentive?

According to the new policy, ​individuals who appreciate and ⁣share government projects related to public welfare will be rewarded⁢ with monetary incentives. The government claims that ‍this⁣ policy is aimed at promoting its welfare projects and encouraging people to share ‍their‌ positive⁤ experiences with these initiatives. However, critics argue that this is nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to‍ bribe individuals into praising the government’s⁣ work,‍ rather than encouraging⁣ genuine feedback and‌ criticism.

Punishing Criticism: A Threat to ⁣Freedom of Speech?

On the other hand, the policy states that individuals who share “obscene, indecent, and anti-national” content⁣ will face punishment. While the government claims that this is aimed ‍at curbing online harassment and hate speech, critics argue that the definition of what constitutes “anti-national” content ⁤is vague and open to interpretation. This ⁣has raised concerns about the potential for misuse of power and the suppression of dissenting voices.

A Policy to ‍End Unemployment?

Interestingly,⁤ the Uttar Pradesh government claims that ‍this policy is actually a major effort to end unemployment across the state. However, critics argue that‍ this claim is far-fetched and that the policy will do little to address the pressing issue of unemployment in the state.

Reaction from Opposition Parties and Social Media

The policy has been met with fierce criticism from opposition parties, social media, and non-governmental organizations. ⁤Many have⁢ taken to social media to express their outrage ⁤and disappointment, accusing the ⁣government of attempting to‍ silence dissenting voices and ⁣bribe individuals into praising its projects. Social ‍media influencers and activists have also spoken out against the policy, arguing that it is an⁢ attack on freedom of speech and expression.

A Threat to Democracy?

The ​controversy surrounding the Uttar⁤ Pradesh government’s⁢ digital media policy has raised important questions about the⁣ health⁣ of Indian democracy. Is the government trying to stifle dissenting voices and suppress criticism? Is this policy a threat to freedom of speech and expression? These are questions that need to be answered, and the‌ government must be held accountable for its actions.


The Uttar Pradesh government’s digital⁢ media policy​ is a controversial and regressive step that has sparked widespread outrage and disappointment. ‍While the government claims that the policy is aimed at promoting its welfare projects and encouraging positive feedback, critics argue that it is an attempt to bribe individuals into praising its work and silence dissenting voices.⁣ As India⁢ continues to grapple ⁤with the ‍complexities of digital media and its impact on democracy, it is essential that we promote transparency, accountability, and freedom ⁢of speech and expression.

Keywords: digital media ⁣policy, Uttar ‍Pradesh government, Yogi Adityanath, freedom ‍of speech, criticism, reward, punishment, unemployment, democracy,⁤ opposition parties, social media, non-governmental organizations, social media influencers.



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