Utilizing Unédic Surpluses for Full Employment: Government Proposal and Social Partners’ Perspectives

2023-08-02 09:00:00

The government proposes to direct a part of Unédic’s surpluses towards the financing of the policy for full employment. He suggests a drain on Unédic’s revenue, which would range from 2 to 4 billion euros per year from 2023 to 2026. These funds would be used mainly for apprenticeship, in order to promote the creation of new jobs and to fight once morest the unemployment. The executive still aims to reach an unemployment rate of 5% by 2027, once morest 7.1% currently. But Unédic has other missions: the organization is called upon to increase its contribution to Pôle emploi, future France Travail, main operator of the eponymous network. This contribution might reach between 12% and 13% of Unédic’s revenue in 2026. This might generate between 500 million and one billion more than what is anticipated at this stage.

Unédic’s projected surpluses: a favorable context

Faced with this government proposal, the social partners suggest another use for these surpluses. They recommend devoting all available funds to repaying the regime’s debt, valued at 60.7 billion euros at the end of 2022. The government has nothing once morest plugging the debt hole, but it wants also be able to finance full employment. These discussions take place in a context where Unédic foresees surpluses of an unprecedented scale for the coming years. Thanks to an upturn in employment and payroll, as well as a drop in compensated unemployment, Unédic might generate historic balances, reaching more than 18 billion euros by 2025 (4.4 billion euros in 2023, then 5.4 and 8.7 billion the following two years).

Financing full employment

However, these forecasts depend on the stability of the labor market. If they are confirmed, Unédic’s debt might be reduced by almost half by 2026, to around 30 billion, according to Matignon’s projections. This perspective and the government’s demands are not without criticism. The CGT in particular described this approach as a “hold-up”, and discussions between unions are planned to decide on concerted action.

#Unédics #surpluses #government #salivate

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