Utilizing Fast Technology for Future Changes: Discussing Follow-up Cooperation After Official Handover of US-based Giant Panda “Yaya” to Chinese Memphis Zoo

The Chinese Memphis Zoo has officially received the American giant panda “Ya Ya” and is discussing future collaborations. “Ya Ya”‘s lease expired on April 7 and preparations for her return to China are underway. Memphis Zoo held a Chinese exhibition to celebrate their 20-year collaboration with the Chinese Zoological Association and bid “Ya Ya” farewell. The panda will be quarantined in Shanghai to ensure she is not carrying any unknown diseases or germs before being released back into the wild. “Ya Ya” was born in Beijing Zoo in August 2000 and spent 20 years at Memphis Zoo before returning to China. The zoo officials are working on a follow-up plan with the Chinese side.

The giant panda “Yaya” in the United States was officially handed over to the Chinese Memphis Zoo: discussing follow-up cooperation

The day when the American giant panda “Ya Ya” returns to China is getting closer.On April 7, the lease of “Yaya” expired and was officially handed over to the Chinese side.

According to the news on April 9, according to The Paper, on the 8th local time,Memphis Zoo CEO and President Matt Thompson said that the contract with the Chinese side has expired and is discussing follow-up cooperation.

A few days ago, the Memphis Zoo held a Chinese exhibition, inviting all walks of life to wish “Yaya” a safe journey, and to celebrate the 20-year cooperation with the Chinese Zoological Association. Activities included cultural performances, signing farewell letters, etc. Memphis Zoo mentioned, “Yaya Will be there until the end of the month.

It is understood that following “Yaya” returns to China, she must first go to Shanghai for quarantine. Sun Quanhui, a scientist from the World Animal Protection Society, said that according to the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine”, imported animals need to be quarantined. Therefore, this step is also required for giant pandas returning from abroad.

The main quarantine “Yaya” is whether it carries some unknown diseases or germs, according to relevant regulations,The quarantine period is generally 30 days.

According to the data, “Yaya” was born in Beijing Zoo in August 2000. He is 23 years old this year. In 2003, “Yaya” and “Lele” arrived at the Memphis Zoo together and started their career in the United States, bringing countless memories to tourists. joy. The term of the agreement is 10 years, which will be extended for another 10 years following it expires in 2013. On February 2, 2023, “Lele” passed away unfortunately at the age of 25.

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Editor in charge: Shiqi

As the lease of “Yaya” officially expired and the giant panda was handed over to the Chinese Memphis Zoo, we now look forward to the follow-up cooperation between the two sides. Discussions are ongoing and we hope to see a continuation of the fruitful cooperation that has brought joy to both Chinese and American citizens alike. We wish “Yaya” a safe and smooth journey back to China, where she will undergo quarantine procedures before rejoining her family and continuing her important role in conservation efforts for this beloved species.



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