Uterine Fibroids Removal Without Scalpel at Lentini Hospital | Siracusa Post

Removal of uterine fibroids with hyperthermic ablation using the radiofrequency technique in the Gynecology and Obstetrics department of the Lentini hospital directed by Francesco Cannone.

This is a brand new minimally invasive, painless, ultrasound-guided treatment that leaves no scars. After
A few hours after the operation, patients are discharged without any symptoms.

“Few centers in Italy are specialized in this technique – explains the director of the department Francesco Cannone – and in Sicily the Gynecology department of the Lentini hospital in June was the first to perform this minimally invasive method.

Radiofrequency – he continues – represents a brand new approach that allows for conservative and personalized treatment, especially in women of childbearing age.

The team I lead has specialized in this minimally invasive surgical technique that allows us to directly reach the fibroid through an ultrasound-guided needle-electrode inserted transvaginally, without causing pain or leaving scars.

Coagulation of the fibroma causes a significant reduction and disappearance of symptoms by reducing the volume of the lesion both directly and through the closure of the blood vessels that nourish it.

The treatment is performed under deep sedation and as a ‘day surgery’ with a very rapid return to everyday life and an extremely short convalescence”.



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