Usutu Virus, Case in Monte San Giusto: What it is and how it is transmitted, the symptoms and how to treat it

It is called Usutu and it is a fearsome virus: similar to West Nile (or West Nile Fever), it is transmitted to humans through the bite of the Culex Pipiens mosquito. This is why disinfestation operations have started in Monte San Giusto, in the province of Macerata, where a mosquito positive for the Usutu virus was identified.

Where it circulates

Usutu was first isolated in South Africa in 1959 and can be deadly in some bird species and cause a variety of illnesses, including serious ones, in humans. In addition to parts of Africa, it is also circulating in parts of Europe and the Middle East: according to the Center for Disease Control, nearly 200 people were infected with Usutu virus in Africa and Europe in 2022.

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by Elvira Naselli July 29, 2024

The symptoms

Usutu virus infection can cause a series of manifestations, especially in immunocompromised subjects: the symptoms are fever, headache, rash, jaundice, confusion and even more serious neurological symptoms, including encephalitis and meningitis.


Currently, there is no specific treatment. It is therefore essential to rely on prevention: you must protect yourself from mosquito bites and prevent the insects from reproducing. Recommendations include not leaving containers in which rainwater accumulates, using mosquito repellents and covering your body with appropriate clothing when going out in the evening and at night.

‘Beware of Killer Mosquitoes’: Lockdown in a Massachusetts Town

edited by the Health editorial team 23 August 2024




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