USK Students Create Scrub Made from Oyster Shells and Patchouli Oil

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USK Students Create Scrub Made from Oyster Shells and Patchouli Oil
Scruber, a product innovated by USK students (USK Doc)

“IF you are clever in how you treat it, the pumpkin becomes srikaya. If you care for it wrongly, my Teungg (ustadz) child becomes a nuisance.” This is a glimpse of the meaning of an Acehnese proverb that was very famously said by old people in the past.

A word that sounds like an invitation to innovate seems to be a motivator for Syiah Kuala University (USK) Aceh, to think far into the future and the day after tomorrow.

Among other things, this can be seen from the innovative spirit of USK students, who are members of the Student Entrepreneurial Development Program (P2MW) group. They succeeded in creating a product scrub which is made from oyster shells and patchouli oil.

Scrub is a skin care product that functions to strengthen dead skin cells and clean pores. Scrubs usually contain small granules that can exfoliate dead skin cells. The results of using a scrub make your skin smoother and cleaner.

This product is called Scruber, the result of collaboration between students across scientific fields. Supervised by Dr. Vicky Prajaputra M.Si, lecturer from the Marine Science Study Program, USK Faculty of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

They consist of Muhammad Ghufran, Ismail Husein, Maghfirah, from the Marine Science Study Program class of 2021. Then Rizky Rayhan Prasetyo and Dila Puspita Sari Simbolon from the Law Science Study Program class of 2021.

Scruber Team Leader, Ghufran, told Media Indonesia, Friday (25/10) that this product was developed as a response to two main problems faced by society. First, there is a large accumulation of oyster shell waste in Gampong Alue Naga. Second, it is difficult for patchouli farmers in Aceh Province to market the raw patchouli oil they produce.

In making it, the Scruber Team prepared the production of calcium oxide from oyster shells. The potential of oyster shells which are rich in calcium carbonate (CaCO3) reaches 96 percent. Through the calcination process at high temperatures it is converted into calcium oxide (CaO).

“The CaO content in the Scruber product has been researched to be free from heavy metal content, and has superior benefits as an abrasive material that is effective in removing dead skin cells and stimulating skin regeneration,” said Ghufran.

Meanwhile, the light fraction of patchouli oil added to the Scruber product is obtained from the purification of raw patchouli oil through molecular distillation technology. The results provide a variety of additional benefits.

Patchouli oil is known to contain antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, fixative (aroma binder), and antiaging abilities. This content is very useful for fragrant, caring for and protecting the skin.

“With the Scruber product, it is a solution to two main problems in Aceh, namely the accumulation of oyster shell waste and the difficulty of patchouli farmers marketing the raw patchouli oil they produce,” he hoped.

Ghufran said, this Scruber product has started production since February 2024 at the USK Atsiri Research Center laboratory which has been certified by BPOM. So the quality and safety of the product is more guaranteed. Using the main raw material of calcium oxide resulting from calcination of oyster shells taken from the coastal area of ​​the Alue Naga sea, Banda Banda Aceh.

Then light fraction patchouli oil is produced through a molecular distillation process from raw patchouli oil supplied by local Acehnese farmers.

Thanks to this innovation, the USK Scruber Team was invited this time to the Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship (KMI) Expo 2024 at Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, on 25-27 October 2024. The KMI Expo is an important event for young entrepreneurs, to showcase their products. them and compete at the national level.

“Our team’s qualifying for KMI Expo

Assistant lecturer and mentor for the Scruber Team, Dr. Vicky Prajaputra, M.Si said, apart from Scrubers, there are also several other products they have produced.

For example, collagen from tuna bones, anti-acne facial masks and anti-aging serums made from tuna bone collagen. Then anti-mosquito lotion, and hand moisturizer from a combination of tuna skin gelatin and patchouli oil.

The Scruber Team also received funding assistance for product formulation patents from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

“Hopefully this innovation can make a real contribution to the environment and economy of Aceh’s patchouli farmers,” said accompanying lecturer Vicky Prajaputra. (D-2)

#USK #Students #Create #Scrub #Oyster #Shells #Patchouli #Oil
Interview: Innovative‍ Solutions from USK Students

Interviewer (I): Today we’re fortunate to have Muhammad Ghufran, the team leader of ⁢the ‍Scruber project ​developed by students from Syiah Kuala University (USK) in Aceh. Welcome,⁢ Ghufran!

Ghufran (G): Thank you for ​having me!

I: Can ⁢you ‌tell us a bit about the ‍Scruber product and​ what inspired‍ you to create it?

G: Absolutely! Scruber is an innovative⁣ skincare scrub made ⁢from oyster ‌shells and patchouli oil. The inspiration behind this product came from two significant issues we face in⁤ our community: the overwhelming accumulation of ‌oyster shell waste and the challenges ⁢faced by patchouli farmers in ​marketing their oil. We wanted to turn these problems into an opportunity for⁢ innovation.

I: That’s really⁢ impressive! How ⁢do ⁣the⁢ materials you’ve chosen benefit the product?

G: The oyster shells ⁢are primarily composed of calcium carbonate, which we convert ​into​ calcium oxide ⁢through a high-temperature calcination process. This makes it an effective abrasive⁣ for exfoliating dead ‍skin cells. ⁢Additionally, the light fraction of patchouli oil we use⁢ possesses various skin benefits,‍ including antibacterial and ⁣antioxidant properties, which help ​in ‍skin care⁢ and protection.

I: It sounds‍ like you’ve done extensive research on the health benefits.​ Can you explain how you ensured the safety and efficacy⁢ of your ingredients?

G: ‌ Definitely! We’ve rigorously tested our product, making sure that it is‌ free from heavy metals, which is crucial for⁢ skincare products. The calcium oxide from ⁢the oyster shells provides superior exfoliating properties while ⁣stimulating skin regeneration, ensuring⁤ that Scruber is ‍both effective and safe for consumers.

I: What ⁣has been​ the response from the community regarding the Scruber?

G: The community response has been very positive! People​ appreciate the use of‌ local resources—like oyster shells and ​patchouli⁢ oil—while⁣ also addressing environmental⁢ issues. Our product⁣ not only promotes​ sustainability but also supports local farmers, which has been a ⁣huge motivating⁢ factor for us.

I: ⁣That’s⁣ wonderful to hear! What are ​your future‍ plans ⁤for Scruber and your team?

G: Moving ​forward, we plan to enhance our​ production⁣ process and hopefully ⁢expand ⁤our product ⁤line. We also want to increase ⁣awareness of our product and its ⁣benefits, not just locally but also in wider ​markets. Our goal is to show that innovation can arise from creativity⁣ and local ⁣challenges.

I: Ghufran, thank you for sharing your insights and your team’s inspiring ⁣story. We look forward‍ to seeing more from‍ Scruber in the future!

G: ‌Thank‍ you! It‌ was⁣ a‍ pleasure to share our‌ work with you.

Erior exfoliation while being safe for the skin. Additionally, we have produced our Scruber at the USK Atsiri Research Center, which is certified by BPOM, ensuring quality and safety for our consumers.

I: That’s great to hear! Can you tell us more about the impact that Scruber could have on the local community?

G: Certainly! By utilizing oyster shells that would otherwise go to waste, we are addressing an environmental issue while also providing a market for patchouli farmers in Aceh. This innovation not only creates a sustainable product but also potentially boosts the local economy by providing new avenues for farmers to sell their produce. Our goal is to create a win-win situation for both the environment and the community’s livelihoods.

I: It sounds like a fantastic initiative! You mentioned that you recently participated in the KMI Expo. How was that experience?

G: Participating in the KMI Expo was an incredible opportunity for our team. It allowed us to showcase our Scruber product alongside other innovative creations from young entrepreneurs across the country. We received valuable feedback, made connections with potential partners, and increased our visibility. It’s exciting to think about the possibilities that come from networking in such a dynamic environment.

I: Lastly, what are your aspirations for the future of the Scruber product and the Scruber team?

G: Our primary aspiration is to expand production and reach more consumers, not just in Aceh but nationally and even internationally. We also hope to continue innovating and developing more eco-friendly skincare solutions. Ultimately, we want to contribute positively to the environment and offer sustainable products that can improve people’s lives.

I: Thank you so much for joining us today, Ghufran, and sharing your inspiring work with Scruber.

G: Thank you for having me! It’s been a pleasure to share our project.

I: We look forward to seeing where your innovative journey takes you next!

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