Users of the National Highway Company’s exploitation centers announce a warning strike.


The National Office of the National Union of Employees of the National Highway Company’s Exploitation Centers has decided to go on a partial warning strike for six days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 16, 17 and 18, 23, 24 and 25, 2024), in protest against what it described as “encroachment and neglect” by the General Administration of Highways.

The strike decision came after a series of previous protests, which included wearing red badges, protests and sit-ins.

According to a statement from the union, the reason for this union escalation is due to the administration’s failure to fulfill its commitments, as the union accuses the General Administration of Highways of failing to implement its pledges and obligations contained in the social charter signed in 2018, which aims to improve the working conditions of employees and protect their rights. It also disrupts social dialogue, as the union complains about the administration’s closing of the door to dialogue and its refusal to sit at the negotiating table to discuss workers’ demands.

The aforementioned union confirmed that the administration is exerting pressure on unionists and obstructing them from exercising their legitimate union rights, while workers complain of the deterioration of their social and professional conditions and their exposure to difficult working conditions.

In this context, the same union affiliated with the Moroccan Labor Union called on the administration to assume its responsibilities and sit at the negotiating table to discuss the workers’ demands, stressing that it had outlined a set of demands, including calling on the General Administration of Highways to commit to implementing the provisions of the Social Charter, and to open a serious dialogue with the union to discuss the outstanding problems, in addition to respecting union rights and improving the working conditions of employees.

In addition, this partial strike is expected to cause traffic disruptions on highways, especially during rush hours. It may also lead to delays in collecting fees and providing services to users.
The union warned that the continuation of the situation as it is may lead to an escalation of the crisis.

#Users #National #Highway #Companys #exploitation #centers #announce #warning #strike
2024-08-17 01:18:57



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