Users from Spain and Ecuador also complain about Binance account blocking

Key facts:
  • Binance users report very diverse cases for which they were blocked and lost funds.

  • They allege that customer service support does not give them a reasonable explanation or solution.

Since CriptoNoticias reported the case of users from Colombia and Venezuela who lost their bitcoins (BTC) when they were blocked on Binance months ago, more people from those countries and others have contacted us to tell us that the same thing has happened to them. Each situation is different, but they all claim that the reason for freezing their funds is not valid or they have not even been explained why.

A man from Spain told us after our last advance: «I have lived this situation». As we reported last month with a user from Colombia, he maintains that his funds were withdrawn from his Binance account while it was locked. And when he complained to customer service, they told him that if he had not made the withdrawal, then he had been robbed.

This message, which was also given to a Colombian who sent us a screenshot of his communication with support, seems to make no sense because no one should have access to the account while it was blocked.

Binance support response to Colombian user reporting funds theft

A user from Colombia showed that Binance support told him, as well as Spain,
that he had made a withdrawal of funds from his account, while it was blocked. Source: User.

“This tactic is often used by Binance,” said the Spaniard, noting that after investigating three months he found similarities in several cases. «Wallets of small investors who, with all the securities activated, emptied their account. Everyone, same system », he pointed out, alleging that he believes that Binance staff or close associates are the ones carrying out the thefts.

Although such an accusation cannot be confirmed. For this reason, from CriptoNoticias we have tried to communicate with the company, via the director of Binance Latin America, Maximiliano Hinz, to understand the reason for the blockades and confiscations. But we have not received an answer for the moment.

In conclusion, the affected party indicated that the platform says that it was a withdrawal made from his own account (obviously without his consent), that he reported it to the country’s police and that they could not do anything. Without being able to recover his money, he pointed out that in May it was a year since his account was blocked on the platform.

“At the change of the day my account was 6 digits and they left it at 0,” said Binance Spain user

The user from Spain reveals that at the current exchange rate his funds in cryptocurrencies they were six digits and left it at zero. “What a gang of alleged thieves at Binance,” he said angrily. A feeling of desperation that also represents other users who have contacted us, despite the fact that their cases are different.

And Venezuelan entrepreneur told us that he used Binance-Pay to receive payments in cryptocurrencies. Although as of today he has been without access to his account and funds for three months. He told us: “They blocked me and have never given me an answer as to why. They cling to the fact that I received fraudulent money, but they never showed it to me.

The Venezuelan said that, when contacting the customer service, they ask you to send them information about a user from whom you received a payment. However, he points out that, working online, he doesn’t know who he is. “They ask me to speak to that person and ask them to contact support, but obviously it was impossible!” he explained.

Message from Venezuelan user with Binance technical support about blocking his account and funds

Message from Venezuelan user with Binance technical support about blocking his account and funds

The entrepreneur from Venezuela shared his communication with us
no success with Binance support. Source: User.

Entrepreneur blocked in Venezuela’s Binance-Pay: “I give the money withheld as lost”

The entrepreneur from Venezuela showed that every time you talk to Binance customer support it’s like starting over with no progress and they put you on hold. Similarly, all those blocked who communicated with CriptoNoticias report that support does not give them a solution and they always repeat the same reasons without explanation.

“I find this worrying, as many merchants today are receiving Binance-Pay as a payment method. I already have months blocked, I lost my hopes and I give the money withheld as lost. Even though it’s not much, it’s sad! I hope that no one goes through this situation with high amounts of USDT, which in this case is the most used.”

Entrepreneur from Venezuela who was blocked on Binance-Pay losing his cryptocurrencies.

Similarly, another user from Venezuela informed us that Binance closed his access to P2P (peer-to-peer) without any explanation. “My account was clean with very good references and seniority,” he says. Despite this, he says that he was the victim of a scam and when he reported the criminal account, the platform closed his the next day.

“At no time did they tell me an exact reason why they closed it to me. For this reason, the same thing has happened to acquaintances, with the difference that they have not closed their account, but they are removed from the certified Binance groups, ”he declared about the accounts that are dedicated to P2P trading.

Knowing closely the operation of the service, He stressed that in Binance P2P there are users who use accounts to scam. Users who in the rating have many negative comments due to the intention of fraud and concretized scams. He maintains indignantly that the support gives them the benefit of continuing to be there while people who have been victims of them have their accounts closed.

Binance will continue to block, says Colombian affected

From another country, Colombia, Jairo Vélez, a user who was blocked on Binance in September 2021, is trying to make this situation visible on social networks. With anguish and resignation, in a video shared to CriptoNoticias, the affected warns that the blockades do not only occur to people from Colombia or who have a lot of capital.

Since he made his situation visible, he indicates that he does not stop receiving messages from users who, in search of help, tell him that they have also been blocked. Each of them with very diverse amounts and from different parts of the world, such as Ecuador recently, reveals. That’s why, recommends transferring Binance funds to a self-custody wallet.

“They blocked me and they stole everything from me. They left me at zero. So if you and I don’t get together and start campaigning on social media to get funds out of everyone from Binance, they’re going to continue blocking », Jairo alleges, trying to get his message to more people.

Binance Accounts Blocked Due to Money Laundering Investigation

Along with other Colombians, Jairo’s Binance account was blocked more than eight months ago by a court order issued by FIOD following an open money laundering investigation. Such an organism is the Tax Information and Investigation Service of the Netherlands or the Netherlands, which ruled that their assets had been linked to criminal activitiesas reported by the exchange.

Los affected allege that they have not been given space to prove the legality of their cryptocurrencies and They do not get to know the progress of the investigation. The customer service team tells them to contact the Dutch police, but the police do not respond to their messages, they say. Reason for which have initiated legal action against the platform months ago.

One of the Colombians in this case, who had USD 143,000 in bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies, he said in a Telegram group where some of those affected by this case are: “You no longer know what to do. No one hears it, nothing happens. We are in a fight of David against Goliath, but here David cannot beat Goliath because nobody helps us. I believe that between all of us there are more than USD 3 million lost that we are not going to recover.

This week published a report reporting criminal groups that have used Binance for money laundering. His investigation maintains that at least USD 2.35 billion in cryptocurrencies from the illegal sale of drugs, scammers and hacks have circulated on the platform.

Such a situation may have affected some users who had their funds confiscated for having traded with them. However, Binance has issued a statement saying that the investigation is full of falsehoods and poor datakeeping its users without answers and clear explanations of their cases.

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