Users are massively reporting a former employee of Sweet Baby Inc, who admitted that she is a racist

2024-03-24 08:57:27

Recently it became known that Dany Lalondersformer employee Sweet Baby Inc. and current studio narrative designer Cliffhanger Devswhich develops solo game about Black Panther from company EAat one time I did something very nasty statement: she said that when developing the game Validate deliberately avoided hiring white employees because she was trying to create a “safe environment” for herself during development – supposedly white employees are much more toxic and difficult to work with.

Just as in the case of previously emerging details regarding the activities of Sweet Baby Inc itself, when the head of the company openly admitted that SIB blackmails and threatens developers and publishers who refuse to cooperate with them, there is complete silence in the Western press regarding these inappropriate and openly racist data words Dany Lalonders. The only major publication (but it is not a gaming publication) that wrote about this is the Daily Mail, as well as several small Western publications, including: ThatParkPlace, Dexerto and Cosmic Book News.

It’s not hard to imagine what would happen if a white developer said something similar about hiring black employees – probably Kotaku, Gamespot, IGN, PC Gamer and other major Western gaming publications actively defending SIB would instantly publish articles and begin to harass him , demanding dismissal and cancellation from the gaming industry. Moreover, Lalanders turned out to be so arrogant that she openly says that she is a racist and she doesn’t care about it.

Users decided to correct this injustice: the developer had already received a lot of criticism and threats against her, and each subsequent attempt to justify herself only led to even greater anger and an influx of new indignant people. Users have already won a small victory: Lalonders reportedthat leaves social networks. However, she still continues to work in the studio on the game – we can only hope that this will not last long.

This case once again shows how hypocritical representatives of companies such as SIB are, who are supposedly active fighters for justice and minorities, but in reality they themselves are real blackmailers and racists.

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