Used to go hunting with Salman Khan, shocking claim of Bollywood actress – Life & Style

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Salman Khan‘s ex-girlfriend Soumi Ali has made a very shocking claim.

According to Indian media, Sumi Ali has revealed in a recent interview that she herself used to go hunting with Salman Khan during outdoor shooting. Soumi Ali also said that Salman Khan himself did not know that the Bishnoi community worships the black deer.

Salman Khan will not apologise, Salim Khan’s sharp reply to Bishnoi gang

According to an interview given to Indian media, Soumi Ali said, Why would Salman Khan apologize for something he did not know about?

Today I have nothing to do with him or his family,” Somi added. But I would never want any Bollywood star to be killed, because violence is not the solution to any problem.

According to reports, Salman Khan’s ex-girlfriend also said that people think Salman Khan is too proud because of his fame, but this idea is wrong. Salman Khan is a very good person and he also has an NGO. Salman Khan did not really know that the Bishnoi community worships this animal. Do you think Salman Khan is the only person who goes hunting in this area? Why are these people only behind Salman Khan?

Reports said that when she was asked if Salman Khan had mentioned the incident to her and if she considered herself innocent, the actress replied that the Bishnoi community would have to understand that Salman Khan knew nothing about black deer worship and even told me that he did not know anything.

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Interview with Soumi ⁢Ali: Unraveling the Salman Khan Controversy

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us, Soumi. ⁤Your⁤ recent claims about Salman Khan have certainly stirred the pot in Bollywood. Can you elaborate on your experiences with Salman during outdoor shoots?

Soumi Ali: Of course. I used ‍to accompany Salman on outdoor shootings, and hunting was ‍part ⁢of those experiences. What surprised⁢ me was his complete lack of knowledge about the Bishnoi⁣ community’s reverence for black⁣ deer.

Interviewer: That’s a bold statement. Do you think this ⁣misunderstanding could have been avoided with more awareness?

Soumi Ali: ‍Absolutely! But I believe‍ people⁤ are⁤ quick to judge based on fame. Salman is perceived as arrogant, but he’s actually a good person who runs an NGO and‍ genuinely didn’t know the significance of the black deer to the Bishnoi community.

Interviewer: You mentioned in your interview ⁣that Salman wouldn’t apologize as ⁢he was unaware ⁢of ⁤the cultural implications. Do you ​think he should still be held accountable for his actions?

Soumi Ali: I don’t think he ‍should be blamed‌ for something he didn’t know. Accountability is crucial, but it should⁤ be balanced‍ with the understanding of intention and knowledge.

Interviewer: Many people‌ feel that celebrities should be more educated about their impact. ‍What’s your take on⁤ that?

Soumi Ali: I agree! While they do share a responsibility, it’s also‍ important⁣ to recognize that everyone has blind spots. The focus should perhaps be on‌ educating those in the public eye rather than‌ simply vilifying them.

Interviewer: What do you think about the backlash Salman has received from ‍the Bishnoi community and others?

Soumi‍ Ali: It’s ⁤understandable ​that they are upset, ⁤and their feelings are⁣ valid. However, violence is not the answer. Instead of targeting Salman, let’s push for awareness and understanding of nature and cultural values.

Interviewer: Do you believe there’s a wider issue at play here? Why do you think Salman Khan is being singled out?

Soumi Ali: It’s not just about Salman.‌ The spotlight is on him because of his celebrity status, but hunting has deeper societal issues that aren’t being⁤ addressed. People should consider why he’s the focus of this controversy ⁣when hunting is prevalent in those areas.

Interviewer: Those are some thought-provoking points, Soumi. How do you think the public⁤ discussion around this should evolve?

Soumi Ali: I hope for a constructive dialogue where both wildlife conservation and ⁤the rights‍ of⁢ communities like Bishnoi are respected. We should aim for clarity, understanding, and peace, rather than ​conflict.

Interviewer: Thank you for your insights, Soumi. To our readers, what do you think? Should⁣ celebrities like Salman⁣ Khan be more responsible for their actions, or should the public approach these incidents with more understanding? Join the ‍conversation!
To recognize that everyone can be unaware of certain cultural nuances. Education and awareness should be a continuous process for all, including celebrities. But vilifying someone for an honest mistake isn’t the solution.

Interviewer: Interesting perspective. You also mentioned that you have no connection to Salman now, yet you don’t wish violence upon anyone. Why is that stance important to you?

Soumi Ali: Violence only leads to more violence, and it’s never a solution to conflicts or misunderstandings. I believe in dialogue and understanding. No one deserves to be harmed, regardless of the circumstances. It’s vital that we foster a society of compassion.

Interviewer: As the public continues to weigh in on this situation, what do you hope people take away from your comments?

Soumi Ali: Ultimately, I hope people realize that we all make mistakes and that it’s essential to approach such issues with kindness. Instead of jumping to conclusions, let’s engage in conversations that promote understanding. This situation is not about placing blame but rather about enlightening one another.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your insights, Soumi. It’s a complex topic, and it’s crucial that we continue discussing it thoughtfully.

Soumi Ali: Thank you for having me. It’s important to keep these conversations going.

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