Used Car Prices Fall by 1.75% in 2023 – Electric and Hybrid Cars See 12.81% Drop

2024-01-08 05:05:56

Prices of used cars fell by 1.75% in the last quarter of 2023, according to the La Centrale observatory. On electric and hybrids, the drop is even 12.81%.

While the price of new cars jumped again last year, that of used cars began a slight decline. In the last quarter of 2023, you had to pay an average of 22,490 euros to acquire a second-hand vehicle, a drop of 1.75% over one year, notes the La Centrale observatory.

Falling prices, especially for electric

“This is the most marked quarterly decline since the pre-covid era and since December 2019,” underlines the press release of this quarterly study from one of the leading sites in the second-hand market.

If we look by engine, the average price of a diesel vehicle was 22,390 euros in the fourth quarter of 2023, 19,490 euros for a gasoline model and 31,990 euros for an electric or hybrid car.

It is in this last category that La Centrale notes the largest drop over one year, with -12.81% and a drop of 4,700 euros in the average price of electrified cars compared to the end of 2022.

“This favorable development is explained in particular by the increase in the volume of advertisements for used electric vehicles available, up 180% compared to last year,” notes La Centrale.

A rather stable market in 2023

Prices of used cars still at a high level, which has not really encouraged a return to pre-covid volumes, underlines the Autoscout24 barometer.

With 5.24 million used cars changing ownership in 2023, the market has stabilized at a level equivalent to 2022 (-0.3%), but remains well below its level of 2019, with 9.3% fewer transactions.

Diesel remained the most popular engine, 50.93% of transactions, while new vehicles fell below the 10% threshold. Gasoline is second at 40.27%, ahead of hybrid models, 6.23% of transactions.

Electricity remains at a fairly low level: 89,105 sales, or 1.7% of the second-hand market in 2023, compared to 1.4% in 2022. Which is found in the top 10 best sellers (see box) , far from the sales figures of the most popular used cars in petrol and diesel.

The best used 100% electric sales in 2023
1 – Renault Zoé – 21,916 units (-1.88% compared to 2022)
2 – Peugeot 208 – 8,003 units (+30%)
3 – Tesla Model 3 – 6,647 units (+62%)
4 – Fiat 500 – 3,494 units (+9%)
5 – Renault Mégane – 3,154 units (+302%)
6 – Nissan Leaf – 2,705 units (-11%)
7 – Dacia Spring – 2,474 units (+290%)
8 – Kia Niro – 2,403 units (+45%)
9 – Peugeot 2008 – 2,205 units (+2.8%)
10 – Hyundai Kona – 2,190 units (+44%)
Source: Autoscout24

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The record electric sales on the new market in 2023, with the drop in prices pointed out by La Centrale, should however contribute to an acceleration of this second-hand electric market in 2024. Even if we remain for the moment without news of the maintaining or not the ecological bonus of 1000 euros for used electric cars.

Overall, the price level on second-hand vehicles should still remain on a high plateau, underlines La Centrale:

“Although the economic difficulties linked to disruptions in supply chains which impacted new vehicles are no longer relevant, the decline in orders for new vehicles in 2023 should continue to impact the supply of recent vehicles on the vehicle market. opportunity in 2024.”

On used electrified vehicles, we should instead expect “a very gradual drop in prices, in the long term”, in particular thanks to the marketing of new, more affordable models such as the Renault R5, the Citroën ë-C3 or even the next electric Fiat Panda.

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