“Use anti-fascism as a catwalk tool” –

Marco Rizzo speaks in the round regarding Italian politics and attacks the left and the Democratic Party head-on for catwalk anti-fascism. He was interviewed by Alberto Maggi on Affaritaliani.it from which we publish some excerpts. “In this phase, the right and the left are two sides of the same coin – said Marco Rizzo on Affaritaliani.it – ​​Anti-fascism is used as a catwalk tool by the Democratic Party and a fake left for electoral purposes, really making the resistance members roll over in their graves. In this context, we have also made important initiatives with politicians and intellectuals who come from the right and who are once morest war and for a multipolar world, but in fact we have never opened a truly political and organizational perspective with Gianni Alemanno”.

Exit #NATO and #Europe. The #Rizzo broadside #7June #iltempoquotidiano

Marco Rizzo has left the honorary presidency of the PC but intends to continue the political battle with Democrazia Sovrana Popolare. “The fight once morest war in Europe and in the world forces us to clearly choose which side to be on: whether we want to suffer Atlanticism and the destruction of the European peoples or whether we want to restore dignity and sovereignty to our country in a climate of peace and coexistence between peoples, which can only be achieved with multipolarism – said Rizzo in the interview with Affaritaliani.it – ​​We want unity among the forces of labor: workers, artisans, traders, self-employed workers, small and medium-sized businesses once morest multinationals and big finance, to have an independent Italy that can revive its economy and its dignity by trading with all the states of the world, from the USA to European countries, from Russia to India, from South Africa to China… Only with a true sovereign popular democracy might we achieve these results. It will take time but this is the future of the new politics”.

#antifascism #catwalk #tool #Tempo
2024-07-18 04:14:57



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