USA: Woman grows hair on nose after dog attack


Trinity (20) is growing hair on her nose – her father’s dog is to blame

Trinity Rowles lost the end of her nose in a dog attack. Scraps of skin from the scalp served as a replacement, which is why hair is now growing on her nose.


Trinity Rowles’ hair grows out instead of on the nose.


  • Trinity Rowles was attacked by her father’s dog and bitten on multiple parts of her body.

  • She sustained numerous injuries and had to undergo multiple surgeries.

  • Among other things, the skin of her bitten off nose was replaced with scalp.

Trinity Rowles, from Pennsylvania, was attacked by her father’s rescue dog and bitten on multiple parts of her body. The 20-year-old was immediately taken to the hospital following the attack. she be operated four times so far and is to receive up to six more operations, as reported by the “New York Post”.

The operations left their mark. One in particular is hard to miss: due to a skin transplant, Trinity is now growing hair on its nose. Scraps of skin from her forehead and scalp were used as a substitute for her bitten off nose.

“He was like a big teddy bear”

Trinity Rowles actually knew Irish, a pit bull bulldog mix, very well. “Irish was my father’s rescue dog. He had had it for regarding five years and it was like a big teddy bear. He was so adorable and really soft. I used to go to him and even babysit him when my dad wasn’t in town,” she said.

The attack was therefore very unexpected. It was triggered – or so one suspects – by an argument between Trinity and her father. Because this created a “heated atmosphere”, Irish suddenly attacked and bit.

Her father tried to protect her by putting her in the position of a fetus – but the dog kept biting. “He grabbed my arm and started playing tug of war with it – like my arm was a toy – and dragged it across the yard,” Rowles recalled. “Then suddenly, as if at the push of a button, Irish just walked away and sat on the porch steps.”

Short attack, serious consequences

The attack only lasted a few minutes, but for Rowles it felt like the longest time of her life. “I knew I was being attacked and bitten, but only to a degree. I felt the pain, but I had no idea the extent of the injuries,” Rowles said.

The attack was short-lived, but the consequences are long-lasting: Rowles sustained injuries to his face, ears and arm. In particular, the injuries and operations on the face left a lasting impression – not just physically. “I’m not sleeping well because of my flashbacks, and I’m also very scared of dogs now. I take medication and go to therapy, um with my post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to cope,” explains Rowles.

Nevertheless, she is happy to have survived the attack. “A near-death experience changed my perspective on life and I’m really grateful to be here because it might have been a lot worse,” she said.

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