USA: Treasury made Trump’s tax returns available to Congress

Mr. Trump, who recently announced that he intends to run for president in 2024, has always refused to release his tax returns while in the White House — something every other president has done since the 1970s– and had turned to justice to block a parliamentary request demanding these documents for the years 2015 to 2020.

After many episodes, a federal court of appeal had authorized the tax services at the end of October to transmit these documents to the commission of the House of Representatives. The real estate magnate then sent an urgent appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States to block this transfer.

This one had suspended on November 1 the transmission of the documents while waiting to have the elements to decide on the merits. After receiving arguments from both parties, she finally rejected Donald Trump’s request on November 22.

The “Treasury complied with the Court’s decision last week,” a ministry spokesman told AFP.

Committee members were not immediately available to comment on this information.

The House of Representatives is controlled by Democrats until January, after losing a majority in the November 8 midterm elections to Republicans.

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