USA: The police began their intervention in Columbia VIDEO

At noon on Maundy Thursday (Greece time), the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has turned into a field of tension, with clashes taking place between police and pro-Palestinian protesters.

See live image from UCLA

The ultimatum to the protesters to vacate the building had been preceded by the students standing on their feet demanding an end to the bloodshed in Gauze. According to the Guardian, over a thousand protesters have gathered at the educational institution to defend their request.

“Evacuate or you will be arrested” was the ultimatum of the police to the pro-Palestinian demonstrators – students and graduates of the University of California.

According to the protothema, the police had intervened in the university 24 hours earlier Columbia and the at least 300 arrests of students and faculty in New York.

Earlier, a group of masked men surrounded the site of the campus where the squatters have set up tents, throwing fireworks and attacking the pro-Palestinian students.

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#USA #police #began #intervention #Columbia #VIDEO



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