USA, Speranza and Provenzano in Chicago to intercept the “wind” of Kamala Harris –

Dario Martini

Kamala’s “Italian boys” happily post photos on their social media profiles of their participation in the Chicago convention where Harris was crowned the Democratic Party’s candidate. Peppe Provenzano and Roberto Speranza, the foreign affairs manager of the Democratic Party secretariat and the former Minister of Health of Conte and Draghi, are Elly Schlein’s emissaries in America. “Mr. Mask” (the one against Covid, obviously) is immortalized smiling with the former speaker of Congress Nancy Pelosi and enthusiastically shows a sign with the words “Kamala”, but is immediately inundated with posts inviting him to stay in the United States.

Provenzano, instead, launches a warning to all Italian progressives, so that the “lesson” that comes from the “Windy City” is not wasted: “You win if you are united.”
Translated: let’s import the Harris-Waltz model to Italy too. It matters little if the American Democrats are a single party, while the very broad Italian field ranges from Renzi to Ilaria Salis, passing through Giuseppe Conte and Carlo Calenda. It also matters little that the US Dems have shown themselves to be anything but united in this electoral campaign, with an exhausting tug of war to convince Joe Biden to step aside, with the Barack-Michelle Obama duo trying to prevent Harris’ candidacy until the very end.

For Provenzano, interviewed by la Repubblica, America and Italy are two sides of the same coin, there is no difference between the American right and the Italian one. «We must beat them on the social terrain». And he adds: «We must focus on the coalition, seek the broadest unity but with a clear political message, which responds to the concrete needs of those who struggle».

The leader also has compliments and support from Italy. Elly Schlein is certain that Kamala’s wind will sweep Trump away, and then blow hard into the sails of the Italian Democrats. “Accepting the nomination, she made a speech full of values ​​and perspective,” the secretary wrote on Instagram. “On the right to healthcare, education, housing, work and a decent wage. On the collective responsibility to do something to fight injustice. She is the most qualified person to be the next president, she has been able to rekindle hope and reopen the game against the fear and hatred of Trump, who only wants to divide. Come on Kamala, the Democratic Party also supports you in this crucial challenge!”

Hatred against the smile. This is the narrative of the left. It seems that Butler’s shots never existed. That on July 13th the one who risked his life while speaking at a rally was never Trump. No, Donald is “aggressive and resentful”, says Laura Boldrini. Probably the hope of the Democratic Party is to go back twenty years. When Walter Veltroni really sensed that the wind had changed. It was 2006 (George W. Bush had just lost the midterm elections), when he wrote: “I would like black skin, like Barack Obama”.

#USA #Speranza #Provenzano #Chicago #intercept #wind #Kamala #Harris #Tempo
2024-08-24 07:24:06



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