USA Humanitarian Visa: What is the Welcome US program and how to apply

The Joe Biden administration’s humanitarian parole program allows people from several Central American nations to enter the country.

Thousands of people arrive every day to the US-Mexico border to cross the Rio Grande and illegally enter US soil.

(See also: Everything you need to know to get a work visa and work legally in the United States)

Immigrants of various nationalities crowd to cross the border area with the desire to start a new life, although they must run various risks with the ‘coyotes’ that they hire, supposedly, to show them the way to go to cross the border, as they were told. It happened to a mother who lost her two daughters.

To try to put some calm in the situation of immigrants, the Joe Biden government decided to implement the so-called humanitarian parole, to discourage illegal passage across the borders.

What is the humanitarian parole

It is a measure that intends to give humanitarian visas to migrants from Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua, among other Central American nationalities, as long as the applicants have a sponsor in the United States.

How can you find a sponsor in the US for a humanitarian visa?

If the immigrant does not have someone known in that country or that person does not have the valid requirements to sponsor them, then they can access a program such as Welcome US, which is focused on supporting Cubans and immigrants of other nationalities, who want to obtain a humanitarian visa.

(See also: Bad news for undocumented immigrants in the US: immigration reform will take a long time…)

What is Welcome US?

It is a site to get a sponsor and travel to the United States taking advantage of the humanitarian parole of the Joe Biden administration and that will open operations for Cubans this Wednesday, March 15 at 11:00 am

In this YouTube video, Mario J. Pentón interviewed Gloria Álvarez, director of Welcome US:

that charity allows you to communicate to potential sponsors in the United States that they have made a registration voluntarily prior to sponsoring a foreigner, following doing an identity and criminal record check.

The platform opens a monthly call to connect sponsors with Cuban citizens and from other countries who are interested in the program.


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How to enroll in Welcome US

Those interested should go to using a VPN similar to an Internet address in a third country.

The beneficiary must create their own profile with the requested information and, later, they will be able to see potential sponsors and select up to 7 to communicate with.

In the event that the latter accepts the conversation, the system allows both of them to speak until they know if they can finalize the sponsorship or not.



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