US Supreme Court: Judge Jackson insists on her judicial independence

With a confident voice, the 51-year-old judge insisted on her independence and on his neutrality during introductory remarks before the Senate Judiciary Committee responsible for examining his candidacy, broadcast live on American television channels.

Without insisting on the historical dimension of her appointment, she paid tribute to all those who helped her rise to this level, starting with her parents: After personally experiencing racial segregation […] they taught me that, unlike them who had faced many obstacles, if I worked hard in America, I might become anyone I wanted.

She also greeted integrity, civility and grace of the progressive judge Stephen Breyer, whom she is called upon to replace at the start of the next school year, and of whom she was an assistant when she left Harvard University. According to him, the law aims to bringing very different people togethershe recalled.

If I am confirmed, I hope to have the same state of mind.

The magistrate spoke following the 22 senators of the committee who, in unison, welcomed the historical nature of his appointment.

Of the 115 judges who have served on the High Court, there have been only two black men and five women – none of them African-American, several of them recalled.

Today is a day of joylaunched the black democratic senator Cory Booker: the Senate is regarding to break another glass ceiling!

Beyond the symbol, his arrival will not change the balance within the temple of law, where conservative judges will have a comfortable majority of six seats out of nine.

With Democrats in control of the Senate, the magistrate has a good chance of seeing her nomination confirmed in a vote, likely in early April.

As during her confirmation at the Federal Court of Appeals in Washington, she might even obtain a few Republican votes. But before that, she will have to face tight questioning on Tuesday and Wednesday from elected Republicans.

Hearings that promise to be partisan

In their opening statements on Monday, Republicans promised to be respectfulwhile sketching their angle of attack.

The question and answer session will not be a political circus and not will not focus on the racial question, but on substantive issuespromised Senator Ted Cruz who, like other members of the committee, has presidential ambitions.

Seven months before the midterm elections, Republican senators are expected to insist a lot on their campaign themes, starting with President Joe Biden’s supposed laxity in the face of soaring crime.

To do so, they began to prey on Judge Jackson’s unique experience in the criminal justice system.

Uniquely for a candidate for the Supreme Court, she worked as a lawyer in legal aid services and, as such, represented impoverished defendants. She also served on a commission to make recommendations on federal sentencing.

You’ve always wanted more freedom for hardened criminalslaunched the elected Marsha Blackburn, while another was saying trouble through her defense, as a lawyer, of certain Guantanamo detainees.

Senator Josh Hawley for his part accused her of having, once she became a judge, retained low sentences in cases of child pornography.

Anticipating these attacks, Democratic Senator Dick Durbin called for restraint: I ask each member of this committee to think regarding how history will judge them.

Because of the historical dimension of the photo […]would we be racists if we asked tough questions?reacted Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. But that won’t take with us, we’re used to ithe continued, promising a vigorous debate.



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