US students were drugged in a Cancun hotel

US students were drugged in a Cancun hotel

QUINTANA ROO.- The Office of the Attorney General (FGE) the Quintana Rooreported this Friday that it is investigating the case of Two young Americans who reported on social media that They were drugged in a hotel.

“The FGE Quintana Roo reports the opening of an investigation file, based on news reports of alleged crimes against health, against two female persons of foreign origin,” the institution said in a statement.

According to local media, two students from the Oklahoma State UniversityZara Hull and Kaylie Pitze, reported on their social networks “having been drugged” when they were at a resort located in Isla Mujeres.

They accused that their health was severely affected after being drugged with fentanyl.

The incident happened on August 2, a day after arriving at the tourist destination. That Friday, both had a few drinks at a poolside bar and later began to feel unwellZara had seizures and difficulty walking.

US students were drugged in a Cancun hotel

They said that both were taken to their rooms in wheelchairs. Later Zara was taken to a hospital by ambulancewhere they asked for a deposit of 10 thousand pesos for the treatment.

Medical assistance and services increased until the young women They found themselves in financial difficulties because the bill became unpayable. In response, his family asked the United States Embassy in Mexico for help.

Relatives have claimed that the care they received at the hospital was akin to “medical extortion.”

Americans are being drugged, the Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the case

The Prosecutor’s Office indicated that “upon learning of the incident in the media, since there is no official complaint,” it began, through the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Drug Dealing Crimes, investigations to clarify the alleged poisoning of two women.

Agents are working on the case for clarify this event.

The women said that part of the hospital bill was paid thanks to funding from friends, family and acquaintances. They then returned to their country, but announced on their social networks that they are going to file a legal claim.

Read: Passenger plane crashes in Sao Paulo; no survivors (VIDEO)

#students #drugged #Cancun #hotel
2024-08-18 16:42:58



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