US Senator: We intend to investigate Biden keeping confidential documents

January 12, 2023

Baghdad / Obelisk: Republican Representative in the US House of Representatives, Paul Gosar, announced, Thursday, 12/01/2023, that Republican congressional representatives intend to conduct an investigation into President Joe Biden’s abuse of confidential government documents.

Gosar said: Joe Biden stole classified documents and hid them in his office while serving as vice president, but the Democrats don’t care regarding that. It is a felony to keep confidential documents punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Congressional Republicans will investigate and see if Biden will provide an excuse for his crimes.

And the White House announced earlier that the US Department of Justice is reviewing potentially secret documents found in the Biden Center dating back to his tenure as former Vice President Barack Obama.

Biden denied knowing the content of classified official documents found in his former office, dating back to his tenure as former Vice President Barack Obama.

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