US Secretary: we have to guarantee that the will of the Venezuelans is respected

Blinken believes that the will of the Venezuelans was not respected / Photo: TalCual

The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, said that “Nicolás Maduro is doing everything in his power” to deny Venezuelans the right to know what the true results of the presidential elections held on the 28th were. July and assured: “If today we have a single objective, it is to guarantee that the will and votes of Venezuelans are truly respected.”

Blinklen maintained that Maduro seeks to “strengthen his own control of power.”

He recalled that Venezuelans went out to vote in the presidential elections, overcoming all the obstacles imposed by the official administration, in a figure that is considered “historic.”

In the same way, the US condemns that the electoral authorities have not published the results of the elections in detail as required by law and affirmed that the National Electoral Council (CNE) “manipulated the results” to give Nicolás Maduro as the winner to a third term.


Once again, the Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, condemned that after the electoral protests the protesters have been repressed, that opposition politicians are persecuted and imprisoned and that an arrest warrant has been issued against the opponent Edmundo González.

“These repressive actions have been possible thanks to years of efforts by the Nicolás Maduro regime to systematically eliminate and eradicate the independence of Venezuelan institutions, including the judiciary.”

Blinkeln indicated that “the world knows about Maduro’s abuses” due to the work done by impartial international organizations, “brave local journalists, human rights defenders and citizens.” Antony Blinken reiterated that his “job is to ensure that the voices of Venezuelans are heard.”

Caracas / TalCual

#Secretary #guarantee #Venezuelans #respected



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