US Sanctions Against Russia and Condolences to Navalny: Latest Updates and Analysis

2024-02-23 04:02:00

The United States is not moved by the death of the main Russian opponent of Vladimir Putin. Joe Biden thus presented his condolences on Thursday to the widow and daughter of Alexeï Navalny, during a meeting in San Francisco, before the revelation by his administration of new sanctions against Russia.

The American president, on the electoral campaign in California since Tuesday, spoke away from the press with Yulia and Dacha Navalnaïa. The latter, daughter of the Russian opponent who died on February 16 in detention, studies at Stanford University in California.

Sanctions against the Russian “war machine”

“He was a man of incredible courage and it is extraordinary to see how his wife and his daughter reproduce this,” declared the 81-year-old Democrat during a very brief intervention in front of the cameras after the meeting. This took place a few hours before the American government revealed new sanctions against Russia, targeting more than 500 entities linked to “its supporters and its war machine”. These sanctions, which will be specified this Friday, represent “the largest tranche since the start of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine” on February 24, 2022, said a spokesperson for the American Department of the Treasury.

The White House released two photos, one of which shows Joe Biden hugging Yulia Navalnaïa, who promised to continue her husband’s fights. Joe Biden once again accused Vladimir Putin of being “responsible for the death” of his opponent.

Risky funeral for the Kremlin

Washington at the same time called on the Russians, through a spokesperson, to “return” Navalny’s remains to his mother Lyoudmila Navalnaïa, present in Russia. The latter announced Thursday that she had finally seen her son’s body, affirming that investigators have already established the cause of death, listed as “natural”, according to the opponent’s team. “They started threatening me. Looking me in the eye, they say that if I refuse a secret funeral, they will do something with his body. The investigator (…) openly told me, “Time is against you, the corpse is decomposing,” she continued.

For Russian political scientist Tatiana Stanovaïa, the authorities want to prevent a funeral from becoming a catalyst for Russians opposed to the Kremlin. “They will return the body but on condition that the funeral does not become a political event,” she wrote on her Telegram account.

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