US Presidential Elections: Lech Wałęsa’s Surprising Words About Donald Trump

– Although I encouraged him to become president a long time ago, I believe I made a mistake and I will do everything to prevent him from becoming president – said former Solidarity leader Lech Wałęsa about Donald Trump. He also commented on Joe Biden’s resignation, saying that “it was the best solution that could be made under the circumstances”.

– It all worked out badly. But overall, if it worked out that way, it was the best solution that could be made under the circumstances – commented on Joe Biden’s decision Lech Walesa. This is about the withdrawal of the current US president from the re-election race.

In an interview with Onet, the former Solidarity leader emphasized that he was not surprised by Donald Trump’s lead in the polls. “Look at what happened in the European Parliament elections now,” Wałęsa said, referring to the success of right-wing parties.

– The whole world is in a similar situation. We live in times of change. When technology says that we need to move from states to continents, to globalization. New elements need to be added to democracy so that it becomes a democracy and not some mafia arrangement. These are the times we live in. And various things will happen now – he assessed.

Lech Wałęsa on the US elections. “I made a mistake”

When asked about the situation they will find themselves in, Poland i Ukraineif Trump wins the presidential election, Wałęsa emphasized that “the US president cannot afford everything”. – But a little will depend on him. Although I encouraged him to pursue a presidential career a long time ago, so I think I made a mistake and I will do everything to prevent him from being president – he declared.

SEE: Deputy Foreign Minister on Biden’s decision. “He sounded like he didn’t want to back down”

When asked which Democrat should replace the current US president, Lech Wałęsa admitted that he “has his favorites, but he doubts they will be elected.”

Joe Biden officially withdrew his candidacy on Sunday. He named the Democratic nominee Kamalę Harristhe current vice president. Just seven hours after his announcement, nearly $47 million was transferred to the account of the Democratic Party fundraising organization ActBlue.

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