US President Joe Biden says he has cancer, was it a slip or is he informing the world?

This Wednesday, July 20, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, made a speech on global warming facing the country and the world in Somerset, Massachusetts.

In the speech, which took place in a former coal-fired power plant, which is being remodeled to house offshore wind farms, the head of state stated that climate change is “a clear and immediate danger” and also assured that the health of our citizens and our communities is literally at stake.”

In addition, Biden added that climate change is a “existential threat to our nation and the world.”

However, what caught the attention was when the president stated that “I and so many other people I grew up with have cancer.”

In that sense, the doubt began to arise if the president really suffered from this disease or if he had a lapse in his speech, since the head of state, In the past, several non-melanoma skin cancers have been removed.

For now, the White House has stated that President Biden is completely healthy at 79 years old. Furthermore, in his most recent medical report, published November 2021, it is stated that Biden is “a healthy and vigorous man, who is in a position to successfully carry out the functions of the Presidency.”

Likewise, his personal physician, Kevin O’Connor, stated that the colonoscopy performed at the time gave a piece of calm and that it did not affect the president at all.

Everything seems to indicate that Biden had a lapse, because in his childhood, he lived near oil refineries in Delaware, which is why he stated that he suffered from cancer like other people and Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation.” manifested.

It is worth mentioning that on different occasions Biden has been strongly criticized for having several lapses in his speecheswhich has generated several public debates.

Finally, the head of state, launched harsh taunts at the Congress of that country, because according to him “it is not doing what it should”, while several members of his party ask that they declare the climate emergency state.

Venezuela, a country of risk for the United States

President Joe Biden paved the way for sanctions once morest governments that arbitrarily detain Americans to be used as currency and considers that in Venezuela the risk is high.

Biden signed an executive order to “bring home” Americans kidnapped or arbitrarily detained abroad that involves improving support for their families and authorizes imposing financial sanctions on those implicated.

For example, members of the government share relevant information, including intelligence data, with families regarding how their loved one is doing. and efforts to secure his release or return, something he might already do today.

In addition, the decree authorizes the agencies to impose financial sanctions on those who are involved, directly or indirectly, in kidnappings or “unjust arrests”.

“The use of sanctions cannot always help secure someone’s release, so we will be judicious and strategic in using them,” a US official told reporters on condition of anonymity. “But the families of those who are detained are the ones who know the cases of their loved ones best, and we intend to pay attention to them, to listen to their good ideas and recommendations,” he added.

In that sense, Washington has also introduced a new indicator, called “D”, for countries with a high risk of governments detaining Americans. And he has begun to point the accusing finger at six: Venezuela, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Burma.

In Venezuela, governed by President Nicolás Maduro and currently under sanctions, there are records of 11 detained Americans. Caracas accuses the United States of wanting to attack basic facilities and overthrow Maduro, whom Washington does not recognize in office for considering his re-election in 2018 fraudulent and on the contrary, he considers opposition leader Juan Guaidó interim president.



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