US media highlights reduction in irregular migration from El Salvador 2024-07-19 03:51:01

The Irregular migration from El Salvador towards the United States has experienced a decrease during the administration of the president Nayib Bukele, According to an analysis of «The Washington Post».

The report highlights the country’s security and transformation efforts, stating that «Migration from El Salvador has decreased in recent years» thanks to a vigorous anti-gang campaign.

The media points out that El Salvador has gone from being one of the most dangerous countries in Latin America to one of the safest, which has led to fewer Salvadorans seeking to emigrate. In fact, the country is the one that presents fewer irregular migration flows in the Northern Triangle during fiscal years 2021, 2022, 2023, and so far in 2024.

The main reasons that motivated migration were violence generated by gangs and extortion. In response to this crisis, Bukele launched the Plan Control Territorial in June 2019 to dismantle criminal groups. In addition, since March 2022, The state of emergency has been implemented and extended to maintain order and combat crime.

More than 600 days without homicides Since Bukele assumed the presidency, El Salvador has managed to regain security. In what will of 2024, The National Civil Police reports more than 130 days without murders, which reinforces the downward trend in irregular migration.

Referencia / 4.1 million migrants: Where they’re from, where they live in the U.S.

#media #highlights #reduction #irregular #migration #Salvador



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