US Embassy in Niamey Orders Departure of Non-Essential Personnel Amid Niger Coup Attempt

2023-08-03 01:26:00

The United States on Wednesday ordered the departure of non-essential personnel from its embassy in Niamey, the capital of Niger, in the midst of the attempted coup that the African country has been experiencing since last week.

In addition, he reported that the delegation has suspended its routine services and only processes emergency assistance to US citizens in the country.

However, he warned that he has “limited capacity” to provide emergency services for “temporary reduction” of its staff, according to a new travel notice posted on the embassy website, in which it raised the level to 4 (“don’t travel”)the tallest.

“With efforts to subvert the constitutional order there may be more protests causing riots and political instability.“, the State Department wrote in the note, which recalled that violent crimes are common.

Later, the department spokesman, Matthew Miller, explained in a statement that the decision was taken as a measure of “extreme caution“, and that the US maintains diplomatic relations at the highest level with the Niger authorities.

He also recalled the recent confirmation of the new US ambassador to the country, Kathleen FitzGibbonand wished his speedy arrival in Niamey.

Despite the situation, Miller on Tuesday refused to refer to the situation in Niger as a “coup”since it considers that it can be reversed with the return to power of the deposed president Mohamed Bazoum.

“We call it ‘attempt to seize power,’ which can still be reversed. We are trying to reverse it,” he said in his daily press conference.

A week after the coup led by a military junta in Niger, which has retained Bazoum ever since, the Nigerien coup leaders hold two negotiations simultaneously: in their territory and in the Malian capital.

A delegation from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) traveled from Nigeria to Niamey today to negotiate with the Nigerien coup leaders, while a Nigerien junta general traveled to Bamako to meet with the military in power in Mali.


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