US Elections – Kamala Harris: We are entering a dark time, but there is the light of optimism, faith and truth

US Elections – Kamala Harris: We are entering a dark time, but there is the light of optimism, faith and truth

The current vice-president recognized the victory of the Republican politician and asked for a smooth transfer of power, with respect for democracy and justice.

To the tune of Beyoncé’s ‘Freedom’, which became a campaign staple, Harris began her speech by saying: “I love you too, my heart is full today, full of gratitude for your trust, love of country us and with determination. The election result was not what we wanted and what we fought for, but listen to me: the light of America’s promise will always burn bright if we don’t give up, if we keep fighting,” Kamala Harris said and thanked the family her, Joe Biden and his wife, her running mate, Tim Walsh, her staff and volunteers.

“I’m very proud of the way we ran our campaign,” she noted. “I know you have a lot of emotions but we have to accept the results of the elections. Earlier I spoke to Trump and congratulated him and told him that we will help him in the transition, in a peaceful transition of power.” Kamala Harris stressed that she will never give up the fight “for the freedom and ideals at the heart of our nation”.

He noted that he will not give up “the fight for Democracy and for equality in Justice and for the sacred idea that all people have rights and freedoms that must be respected and protected.” “We will continue to fight in the squares, in the polling stations, but also in silence: in the way we live, with kindness and respect,” said Harris.

“Fighting takes hard work, but we like hard work and fighting for our country is always worth it,” he added, addressing the younger people watching: it’s normal to feel sad, but know that fighting takes time and that doesn’t mean we won’t win. The important thing is to never give up, always try to make the world a better place. Be strong and don’t listen to anyone who tells you something is impossible because it hasn’t been done before.

“To everyone watching: don’t despair, it’s not time to give up, it’s time to take action. For freedom, Justice and the future that we can build together” emphasized Kamala Harris.

“Only when it’s very dark can you see the stars. We are entering a dark time, but there is the light of optimism, faith and truth,” he said.

Watch Kamala Harris’ speech:

Kamala Harris called Donald Trump to congratulate him on his election victory. According to an associate of Harris, during the conversation they discussed the importance of a peaceful transition of power.

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#Elections #Kamala #Harris #entering #dark #time #light #optimism #faith #truth

OneSignal send notification to specific user

It looks like you have a snippet of JavaScript code that is responsible for managing various advertising⁤ related ‌functionalities on a webpage. ‌The code handles different ad ‌networks like AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, and‌ others. Here’s a breakdown of ⁤the‌ main sections of the ⁤code and some​ potential suggestions for improvement:

### Overview of the Code

1. **Removing Ad Elements**:

– The code initially removes ⁣any AdSense elements that are contained within elements with the class `.adsense-for-mobile`.

2.⁤ **Counting AdSense ⁣Slots**:

– It checks for existing AdSense slots and can potentially ⁤load additional scripts‍ depending on the number of ad slots available.

3. **Initialization of Various Services**:

‍ – The code initializes external services ​like OneSignal for push notifications and sets up‍ Disqus for comments.

4. **Deferred Script Loading**:

– There ⁣are placeholders for loading external scripts asynchronously, which is a good practice ⁢for performance.

5. **Callbacks for Ad Management**:

– Several places are set to call `asyncLoadScript()` which seems to be a function aimed at loading scripts dynamically.

6. **Commented Sections**:

– There are⁣ sections of code that are commented out. These may contain alternative ⁤implementations or additional features for different advertising services.

### Suggestions for Improvement

1. **Ensure Proper Async Script Loading**:⁤

– Make sure ‍that the `asyncLoadScript()` function ‌is defined elsewhere in your codebase. It should ⁤handle the loading of scripts correctly and manage errors.

2. **Use⁣ of `setTimeout`**:

– Using `setTimeout` to delay ad script loading ⁣is typical, but consider using more adaptive⁤ techniques like checking if the user has interacted with the page before loading ads (lazy ⁢loading).

3. **Cleaning Up Unused Code**:

– If the commented-out sections are ⁣not going ⁢to⁢ be used,⁢ consider removing them‌ for better ⁢readability⁢ and maintainability.

4. **Error Handling**:

‌​ – Add error ⁤handling ⁤to the script⁢ loading processes to manage cases where an ad script​ fails to load. This​ could improve user experience by allowing fallback behavior.

5.⁣ **Performance Considerations**:

– Be cautious of too many nested asynchronous calls as this could lead to performance bottlenecks. Keep an eye ⁤on how these scripts impact page load times.

6. **Ad Blockers Handling**:

– Implement a check for ⁤ad blockers and handle‌ their presence gracefully, perhaps by notifying the user‍ or⁤ altering content.

###⁤ Example Enhancement

Here’s a small example snippet to illustrate⁢ better error handling ‍with an ⁢async script load function:


function asyncLoadScript(src) {

⁣ ⁢ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

⁣ ⁣ const script​ = document.createElement(“script”);

⁢ ⁣ script.src = src;

‍ script.async = true;

⁤ script.onload = ⁣() => resolve();

⁣ script.onerror ​= () => reject(new Error(`Script load error for ${src}`));

​ (document.head || document.body).appendChild(script);



// Usage example


.then(() => console.log(‘Script loaded successfully’))

.catch(error => console.error(error.message));


By ⁤applying some of these improvements, you can enhance the functionality and maintainability ‌of your ad management script.

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