04 November 2024
It’s time for preparations in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, where Donald Trump will await the results of the presidential elections dreaming of going to celebrate the victory with his supporters at the convention center in Palm Beach, also Miami, a few meters from his residence. In fact, he is convinced that he will win because Kamala Harris is a bluff, a good container who can fascinate the radical chic but is inconsistent. Just one alert: even in 2020 it was unthinkable that anyone could vote for Joe Biden, who was already not very aware of himself at the time, and yet he won. Harris has no ideas, she has no proposals, she doesn’t even know which side to take on the thousand topics that the President of the United States has to deal with. He changes his position continuously and has always done so since he entered politics: on immigration, on security, on the economy. And then she’s a woman and she’s black, which may be nice in theory and sounds good, but in the secrecy of the ballot box the majority of Americans will vote for the grumpy white man. Not even the largest democracy in the world is ready for the big step yet. You can scream Julia Roberts: women who married Trumpian men will not cheat on them. They like the Donald model, otherwise they would have chosen other husbands.
And they can make all the endorsements that newspaper editors want, they don’t move a vote: those who read them have clear ideas and distinguish free editorials from those aimed only at creating castles of accusations and showing disdain or describing a world that exists in the hopes of the authors and not in reality. In America, newspapers have always been on the left, like show business. Tomorrow we vote for the 47th US President and it’s all a flurry of polls, hypotheses, inferences, accusations, swear words and rude gestures. The battle between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is down to the last vote and the two candidates are ready for anything to win it. After two months of exciting electoral campaign, from August when she took the field in Joe Biden’s place until September, Harris seems to have lost her magic touch but above all she truly demonstrated who she is: not the moderate champion of the middle class, to whom aimed to steal votes from Trump, but the idol of the elite, of the power of Washington, of the opinion leaders and above all of the glittery world of music and entertainment. A film already seen in 2016 with Hillary Clinton who was supported by all the VIPs of America, but evidently not by the voters.
The exact opposite of Trump who takes care of his relationships with the masses and the desperate, staying away from the privileged, despite being one of the latter himself. The problem with the Democrats is that they focus on minorities, whether they are women fighting for abortion or LGBTQ+ people, Latinos or African Americans, all people who absolutely deserve to be respected, but the bulk of the votes come from the average American, the one who today pays twice the price for eggs as when Trump was there. This was the spirit in which Trump’s campaign was set up regardless of who the Democratic candidate was, Biden or Harris. They are both responsible, with their administration over the last four years, of the collapse in the purchasing power of wages and the peak in inflation. And of two wars, in Ukraine and in the Middle East, which Trump will put an end to. True or false, this is the widespread thought. Everything else doesn’t matter. Much less the attempts to give Harris a boost by spreading reconstructions and background stories favorable to her, pushing polls from which her recovery would emerge, after having lost the initial advantage, in this or that State, among this or that group of voters. The leader is the New York Times, widely followed and imitated in Italy. Who knows, maybe, like 2016, after the elections I won’t have to apologize to readers for having told a reality that didn’t exist. Eight years ago they realized it but in recent weeks with Kamala Harris they have fallen back into it.
#elections #America #calls #bluff #Kamala #Harris #Tempo
**Intervista con il politologo Marco Rossi sulle elezioni presidenziali statunitensi 2024**
**Intervistatore:** Buonasera, Marco, grazie per essere qui con noi. Siamo in un momento cruciale per le elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti. I sondaggi mostrano una competizione serrata tra Donald Trump e Kamala Harris. Qual è la tua lettura di questa situazione?
**Marco Rossi:** Buonasera, grazie a voi. È vero, i sondaggi indicano una vicinanza sorprendente tra Trump e Harris. Questo potrebbe essere indicativo di un cambiamento degli umori degli elettori. Trump ha una base solida e un messaggio chiaro, mentre Harris sembra confrontarsi con delle incertezze tra gli elettori moderati e progressisti.
**Intervistatore:** Molti sostengono che Trump stia capitalizzando sulla percezione che Harris non abbia un messaggio efficace. Cosa ne pensi?
**Marco Rossi:** È un’osservazione pertinente. Trump riesce a comunicare in modo diretto e quasi populista, mentre Harris, pur avendo il supporto di una parte dell’elite culturale, sembra faticare a connettersi con l’elettorato di base. Questo può essere un fattore decisivo nelle elezioni, perché alla fine è il voto della gente comune che fa la differenza.
**Intervistatore:** Hai menzionato che Harris potrebbe rappresentare un rischio per i Democratici a causa della sua immagine. Credi che il suo background e la sua identità possano influenzare negativamente il suo supporto tra gli elettori?
**Marco Rossi:** Potenzialmente sì. C’è ancora una parte significativa della popolazione che potrebbe percepirla come parte di un’élite distante dai problemi quotidiani della gente. Le questioni di identità sono complesse e, sebbene possano attrarre alcune fasce di elettorato, potrebbero anche alienare altre.
**Intervistatore:** Da quanto ci racconta, quindi, sembra che il focus di Trump sulle preoccupazioni quotidiane degli americani gli stia fruttando risultati?
**Marco Rossi:** Esattamente. Trump ha saputo posizionarsi come il candidato che comprende i problemi immediati degli elettori, come l’aumento dei prezzi o la sicurezza economica. Questo approccio potrebbe rivelarsi decisivo, in particolare in un contesto economico difficile.
**Intervistatore:** Cosa ci aspettiamo nei prossimi giorni, allora? C’è spazio per sorprese prima delle elezioni?
**Marco Rossi:** Assolutamente sì. I pochi giorni che ci separano dal voto sono cruciali. Ogni errore comunicativo o passo falso può influenzare l’andamento finale, come abbiamo visto in precedenti elezioni. I candidati dovranno mobilitare al massimo le loro risorse per convincere gli indecisi e far emergere i propri sostenitori.
**Intervistatore:** Grazie, Marco, per le tue preziose analisi su questa competizione elettorale. Sarà interessante vedere come si sviluppa la situazione nei prossimi giorni.
**Marco Rossi:** Grazie a voi. Sarà un confronto avvincente e importante non solo per gli Stati Uniti ma anche per il mondo intero.