US Congress: McCarthy again without a majority in the 13th ballot

In the internal power struggle of the US Republicans, party leader Kevin McCarthy struck a potentially decisive blow against his opponents yesterday. After eleven unsuccessful applications for the election as chairman of the US House of Representatives, McCarthy was able to win the majority of the previous rebels over to his side in the twelfth ballot. However, in this and the following 13th ballot he missed the required absolute majority for the election.

After around 20 Republicans had consistently voted for opposing candidates since Tuesday, McCarthy was able to reduce the number of dissenting votes to seven in Friday’s first ballot. In the 13th ballot, another rebel changed sides.

But because McCarthy could only afford four dissenters due to the narrow majority of Republicans in the upper chamber of parliament, he failed again. The chamber then adjourned the next ballot. Looking ahead to the 14th ballot, McCarthy said he had the votes needed for the election.

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