US Condemns TTP’s Threatening Ultimatums to Pakistan’s Authorities

The United States condemned the threats given by the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan to the top political leadership of Pakistan, including Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, and once again asked the Taliban to prevent the Afghan soil from being used for global terrorism. has demanded to fulfill his promise.

This statement of the spokesperson of the US State Department, Ned Price, has come out at a time when the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) issued a threatening statement against the two major parties of the ruling coalition, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and the People’s Party. It has announced to consider taking concrete steps.

In the statement, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari were mentioned in a threatening attitude and said that if these two parties persist in their position, then action will be taken against their leading people and people will not get close to such leading people. Avoid

Ned Price, the spokesman of the US State Department, said during a press briefing today, when asked about the steps taken to eliminate terrorist bases in Afghanistan, that this issue is also a cause of concern for us. In the agreement between the US and the Taliban, the Taliban have He pledged to ensure that he would not allow international terrorists to operate freely inside Afghanistan.

He said that the US operation a few months ago, in which the leader of al-Qaeda was killed in Kabul, made it clear that the Taliban is not fulfilling its promise, but it is a common concern for us. We share this concern with Afghanistan’s neighbors, including Pakistan, in which case Pakistan has certainly faced dangerous violence because of these threats.

He said that we are committed to working with partners in this regard, but if and when necessary to deal with the emerging threats to the United States, its allies and interests in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden unilaterally are also determined to take action as we did against Ayman al-Zawahiri a few months ago.

Asked about the threats made by the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan to the top political leadership of Pakistan, including Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Ned Price said, “We are aware of such statements, we are not on behalf of any group. Condemn threats of violence, especially threats of such violence by a terrorist group like the TTP.

On the question that Pakistan, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, their Pak. If Afghanistan is planning a large-scale operation against the bases in the border areas, then what kind of help can the US offer to Pakistan in this type of operation?

“I think it is important that we do not lose sight of the bigger picture, the menace of terrorism continues to be a threat, as I said earlier, the menace of many Pakistanis, Afghanis and other innocent citizens,” he said. has taken

He said that the United States and Pakistan have a common interest in ensuring that the Taliban fulfill their promises and ensure that terrorist groups like ISIS, TTP are not able to threaten regional security, but Pakistan. I would suggest you contact the Pakistani authorities for questions regarding the plans of operation.

When asked about the ongoing war of words between the Taliban and the Pakistani army, the spokesperson of the US State Department said that we know that the people of Pakistan have suffered a lot from terrorist attacks. We continue to call on the Taliban to deliver on their commitments to combat terrorism.

On the question that the impression is being created in Pakistan that basically America wants Pakistan to take action against terrorist hideouts on the border, Ned Price said that this is a threat that Pakistan itself is facing. , terrorist groups operating in the border areas and within Afghanistan have claimed the lives of many Pakistanis, undoubtedly, Pakistan has every right to defend itself, terrorism is a common threat to the entire region, we and our Pakistani partners face this threat. are taken very seriously.

He said that Pakistan will do what is in its own interest and when it feels appropriate, it will take action using the fundamental right of self-defense.

On this question, Pakistan has been saying this for 20 years and when more than 100,000 US and NATO soldiers were stationed there, Pakistan also had the same concerns that terrorists carry out terrorist activities from across the border and then return. If they leave, if the US and NATO forces cannot do this, how can the Taliban keep an eye on such hideouts and is it possible?

“Obviously, this has been a constant challenge for the US and NATO, and certainly for Afghanistan’s neighbors, who have often been the victims of attacks from Afghanistan,” Ned Price said. Pakistan is a close and important security partner.

He said that we work together to take appropriate advantage of common and mutual threats as well as common opportunities, but I will not discuss any project or operation that Pakistan is undertaking or contemplating to undertake. is doing

He said that I will not talk about any hypothesis, as a result of cross-border violence, many Pakistanis have lost their lives. In the past, terrorism from Afghanistan has become a threat not only to Pakistan, but to the region and to all of us. , we are Pakistan’s partners but ultimately Pakistan has to take decisions on this.

It should be noted that the threatening statement by TTP has been issued at a time when the law and order situation in the country has worsened during the last few months. Immediately after the announcement, an unprecedented spate of terrorism began in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, resulting in more than 2 dozen attacks in December alone.

#TTPs #threats #Pakistans #Prime #Minister #Foreign #Minister #condemnable
2024-09-07 17:48:07

Here are some PAA ⁢(Prior Knowledge Assessment) related questions based on the‌ title and content you provided:

The United States Condemns Threats from Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and Demands Taliban Fulfill Promises

In a recent press briefing, Ned ⁢Price, the spokesperson for the US State Department, condemned the threats made ​by the ‍outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) to⁢ the top political leadership of Pakistan, including Prime Minister Shahbaz⁢ Sharif and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. ​The US has also urged the Taliban ‌to‍ prevent Afghan ‌soil from being ‍used for global terrorism and ⁢to fulfill their promises to combat terrorism.

The TTP, ​a banned terrorist⁣ organization, has issued ‌a threatening statement against ​the two major parties of the ruling​ coalition in Pakistan, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and the People’s Party. ​The statement mentions ​Prime Minister⁣ Shehbaz Sharif and ​Bilawal Bhutto Zardari in a threatening attitude, warning of action ​against their leading people and advising people to avoid them [[1]].

In response to these threats, Ned Price ⁢reiterated the US commitment to⁤ working with partners to combat terrorism and ensure that ‌the Taliban fulfill their promises. The US ​operation that killed the leader of ⁢al-Qaeda in Kabul a few⁤ months ago highlights the‌ Taliban’s failure to fulfill their ⁤commitment to prevent international terrorists from operating‌ freely in Afghanistan [[2]].

The US has emphasized its concern about the Taliban’s lack of⁣ action against terrorist groups like ISIS and ⁢TTP, which pose⁤ a ‍threat⁢ to regional security. Pakistan has faced dangerous‌ violence due to these threats, and the US has condemned the TTP’s threats of violence against the Pakistani leadership [[3]].

When ⁤asked about the ongoing war ​of words between the Taliban and the Pakistani army, Ned Price expressed the US ‍concern about ​the threat of terrorism in the ⁢region. He reiterated the US call on the Taliban to deliver on their commitments to combat terrorism and emphasized the need for Pakistan to take action against terrorist​ hideouts ​on the border.

The ‌US has ​also emphasized its commitment to working with Pakistan to address the common threat of terrorism. Ned Price ⁢stated that Pakistan has the ‍right to defend itself against terrorist groups operating in the border ‌areas and ⁤within Afghanistan, ​and that the ⁢US will continue to work with ⁣Pakistan to take advantage of common and mutual threats as well as⁣ opportunities.

The Taliban’s failure to fulfill their promises has been a concern for the US and its allies. The Taliban’s ⁢surge back to⁢ power in 2021, two decades after being toppled ⁣by US-led forces, has raised⁣ concerns about their‍ commitment to ⁤preventing global terrorism [[3]].

the ‍US has condemned the threats made by the TTP to the Pakistani leadership ⁢and has urged the ⁢Taliban to fulfill their promises to combat terrorism. The ⁣US has emphasized its commitment to working with Pakistan⁣ to ​address the common threat of terrorism and has reiterated its concern about the Taliban’s failure to take action against terrorist groups like ‍ISIS and ‌TTP.





What recent actions has the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) taken against Pakistani political leaders?

The United States Condemns Threats by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan to Pakistani Leadership

In a recent press briefing, Ned Price, the spokesperson of the US State Department, condemned the threats issued by the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) to the top political leadership of Pakistan, including Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. The TTP, a terrorist group, has threatened to take concrete steps against the two major parties of the ruling coalition, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and the People’s Party, if they persist in their position.

The US State Department’s condemnation of these threats comes at a time when the relationship between the United States and Pakistan is being re-evaluated. As noted in a recent conference at the Wilson Center, “Assessing the US-Pakistan Relationship” [[1]], the relationship between the two nations has been marked by close coordination and cooperation, but also by periods of tension and mistrust.

The TTP’s threats against the Pakistani leadership are a cause of concern for the United States, which has long been committed to combating terrorism in the region. As Ned Price stated, “We are aware of such statements, we are not on behalf of any group. Condemn threats of violence, especially threats of such violence by a terrorist group like the TTP.” <a href="”>[[2]]

The United States and Pakistan have a common interest in ensuring that the Taliban fulfill their promises to combat terrorism, particularly in light of the Taliban’s failure to prevent international terrorists from operating freely in Afghanistan. As Ned Price noted, the US operation that killed the leader of al-Qaeda in Kabul a few months ago demonstrated that the Taliban is not fulfilling its commitments. The United States is committed to working with partners in the region to combat terrorism and ensure regional security.

When asked about the possibility of a large-scale operation against terrorist bases in the border areas, Ned Price emphasized the importance of not losing sight of the bigger picture. “The menace of terrorism continues to be a threat, as I said earlier, the menace of many Pakistanis, Afghanis, and other innocent citizens,” he stated. The United States and Pakistan must work together to ensure that terrorist groups like ISIS and TTP are not able to threaten regional security.

In response to questions about the ongoing war of words between the Taliban and the Pakistani army, Ned Price reiterated the need for the Taliban to fulfill their commitments to combat terrorism. The United States recognizes that Pakistan has faced significant violence as a result of terrorist attacks and has every right to defend itself. Terrorism is a common threat to the entire region, and the United States and its Pakistani partners take this threat very seriously.

As the United States and Pakistan navigate their complex relationship, it is clear that combating terrorism and ensuring regional security remain a top priority. The United States must continue to work with Pakistan to ensure that the Taliban fulfill their commitments and that terrorist groups are not able to threaten regional security. As noted in a recent article by the Brookings Institution, “Why the United States Needs to Make Nice with Pakistan” [[3]], the United States must prioritize its relationship with Pakistan in order to achieve its goals in the region.

the United States’ condemnation of the TTP’s threats against the Pakistani leadership is a crucial step in reaffirming its commitment to combating terrorism and ensuring regional security. The United States and Pakistan must continue to work together to address the shared threat of terrorism and to promote stability and security in the region.



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