US ‘concerned’ by ‘credible’ reports of Rwandan support for rebels in DRC

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Tuesday in Kinshasa that the United States is ” preoccupied “by information” credible that report Rwandan support for a rebellion in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

« We are very concerned about credible reports that Rwanda supported the M23“Blinken said at a press conference after a one-on-one with Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi, media reports.

« All countries must respect the territorial integrity of their neighbors“, he insisted.

« Any entry of foreign forces into the DRC must be done transparently and with the consent of the DRC. That’s the main reason I’m here« , indicated M. Blinken.

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« It’s fair to say that we certainly don’t close our eyes“, added the head of American diplomacy, who affirmed that the United States provides support to the ” very important mediation efforts led by Africa« .

The east of the DRC is infested by a hundred armed groups which have been sowing death for nearly 30 years.

One of the most active in recent months, the M23 is a former Tutsi-dominated rebellion defeated in 2013, which took up arms again at the end of last year, accusing Kinshasa of not having respected agreements on demobilization and reintegration of its combatants.

Mr. Blinken called on the M23 and all armed groups to lay down their arms and join the peace process.

With MAP

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