US Calls for India and Pakistan to Initiate Dialogue for Peaceful Relations

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a routine press briefing on Monday Pakistan And India should take the path of negotiation to avoid tension.

Tensions have escalated since last week once again after strong statements from both countries after Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh’s statement regarding plans to kill several people in Pakistan.

Mathew Miller was asked during the press conference that “Pakistan says that the Indian government killed dozens of people in Pakistan, while the Indian Defense Minister appeared to confirm that the Indian government committed extrajudicial killings in Pakistan.” are How do you see this situation?’

In response to this question, Matthew Miller said that his country is looking into media reports about the issue, but refrained from commenting on the statements made by both sides. America Don’t want to get in the middle of this situation.

However, he said that ‘we encourage both sides to avoid tension and find a solution through dialogue.’

Pakistani Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said last week that the issue of extrajudicial and foreign killings by India has now become a global problem that requires a coordinated international response.

Just last week, the British newspaper The Guardian claimed in a special report that the Indian government has also killed people in Pakistan as part of a broader strategy to exterminate people living on foreign soil.

According to a report by The Guardian, interviews with Pakistani and Indian intelligence agents and documents provided by Pakistani investigators reveal how India’s foreign intelligence agency’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has been monitoring national security since 2019. Started killing people abroad allegedly in the name of security.

This section contains related reference points (Related Nodes field).

About 20 people have been killed by unidentified gunmen in Pakistan since 2020, the port said.

The report quoted Pakistani investigators as saying that “the deaths were planned by Indian intelligence sleeper cells” operating from another country.

Commenting on this report, the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the killing of Pakistani citizens on Pakistani soil by India is a clear violation of the country’s sovereignty and the United Nations Charter.

After the news of ‘The Guardian’, Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh admitted in a TV program that if he had to target ‘terrorists’ in Pakistan, he would do so.

Telephone contact between Pakistani and US foreign ministers

US Secretary of State Antony Blanken had contacted Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar on the phone last week and congratulated him on taking over the portfolio of the Foreign Ministry.

During the conversation, bilateral issues including increasing trade and investment relations, climate change, agriculture and security were discussed in a broad perspective.

Asked about the details of the conversation between the foreign ministers of the two countries during the press briefing, the State Department spokesman said that Secretary Blanken spoke with the Pakistani foreign minister last Friday to reiterate the strong bilateral partnership. can be done

“Secretary Blankenship and Secretary of State Darr discussed the importance of continued cooperation on counterterrorism, expanding our trade and investment partnership, and women’s economic security and empowerment.”

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#Pakistan #India #negotiate #avoid #tension
2024-09-09 13:25:22

Key issues of conflict between India and Pakistan

US Encourages⁣ Pakistan and India to Negotiate Amid Rising Tensions

The ⁢recent escalation of tensions between Pakistan and India has sparked concerns globally, with the US State ⁢Department urging both⁣ countries to take the path⁣ of negotiation to avoid further conflict. This comes after Indian⁤ Defense Minister Rajnath Singh’s statement regarding plans to kill several people ​in Pakistan, which⁢ has been met with strong criticism ‌from Pakistan. In a press briefing, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller emphasized the importance ⁣of‍ dialogue‍ in resolving the issue, stating that “we encourage both sides to avoid tension and‍ find a solution through dialogue” [[3]].

A History of Tensions

The relationship ⁢between Pakistan and India has been strained for decades, with periods of heightened ⁢tension and conflict. The situation has been ⁣further complicated ⁤by India’s alleged extrajudicial killings in Pakistan, as reported by The Guardian. According to the report, India’s foreign intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), has been monitoring national security since 2019 and has been responsible for killing people ‍abroad, allegedly in the name of security‍ [[4]].

US-Pakistan Relations

Despite the challenges, the US has maintained a strong bilateral partnership with Pakistan. In recent ​years, there has been a ‍significant‌ increase in direct ​US investment in ​Pakistan, with a 50%​ rise in the 2021-2022 ⁢fiscal year, reaching its highest level⁤ in over a decade [[2]]. The US has ⁢also encouraged‌ cooperation ⁣on counterterrorism, with Secretary of State Antony Blanken speaking with ​Pakistani Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar to reiterate the ⁣importance of continued ‍cooperation in this area [[3]].

Global Concerns

The issue of extrajudicial​ and foreign killings by India ⁢has become a global problem, requiring‌ a coordinated⁣ international response. Pakistani Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch has emphasized the need for a coordinated response, stating that the killing of Pakistani citizens on Pakistani soil by India is a clear violation of the ‍country’s sovereignty ⁢and the United Nations Charter [[3]].

A Call for Dialogue

In light of the recent developments, it is clear that dialogue is essential in resolving the tensions ⁤between‌ Pakistan and India. The US has urged both​ countries to find a solution through negotiation, and ⁢it⁢ is imperative that they heed this call. The⁢ consequences of further conflict would be devastating, not just for the⁣ two countries but for the region ‍as a whole.

the⁢ situation between Pakistan and India is complex and ‌sensitive, requiring diplomacy‍ and negotiation to resolve. The US has taken a positive step in ‌encouraging dialogue, and it is now⁢ up to the two countries to take the necessary steps to avoid further tension and conflict. As Matthew Miller said, “we encourage both sides to ⁢avoid tension and find a solution through dialogue” [[3]]. The world is watching, and it is time for Pakistan⁤ and India to ⁢take the path of negotiation.




[3] ‍

[4] The Guardian report on Indian government’s extrajudicial killings in Pakistan

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title **”US Urges India and Pakistan to Avoid Tension and Pursue Dialogue Amid Rising Tensions”**:

US Urges India and Pakistan to Avoid Tension and Pursue Dialogue Amid Rising Tensions

The United States has urged India and Pakistan to avoid tensions and pursue dialogue amid rising tensions between the two nations. This call for calm came from US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller during a routine press briefing on Monday. Miller’s statement was in response to a question about the escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan, which has been ongoing since last week.

Tensions Escalate Over Extrajudicial Killings and Border Disputes

Tensions between India and Pakistan have escalated significantly since Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh’s statement regarding plans to kill several people in Pakistan. Singh’s statement was seen as a confirmation of India’s involvement in extrajudicial killings in Pakistan, a claim that has been made by Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch.

The situation was further inflamed by a report from The Guardian, a British newspaper, which claimed that the Indian government has been involved in killing people in Pakistan as part of a broader strategy to exterminate people living on foreign soil. The report cited interviews with Pakistani and Indian intelligence agents and documents provided by Pakistani investigators, which revealed that India’s foreign intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), has been monitoring national security since 2019 and killing people abroad allegedly in the name of security.

US Encourages Dialogue and Avoidance of Tension

In response to the escalating tensions, Matthew Miller urged both sides to avoid tension and find a solution through dialogue. Miller stated that the US is looking into media reports about the issue, but refrained from commenting on the statements made by both sides. He emphasized that the US does not want to get in the middle of the situation.

Bilateral Relations Between US and Pakistan

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blanken had a telephone conversation with Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar last week, during which bilateral issues including increasing trade and investment relations, climate change, agriculture, and security were discussed in a broad perspective.

US-India Relations

It is worth noting that the US and India have deepened their collaboration on issues such as counterterrorism and countering Chinese influence, as evidenced by the close relations between the two countries[[[1]]. The timeline of US-India relations shows that ties between the two nations have weathered Cold War-era distrust and estrangement over India’s nuclear program, and have strengthened in recent years [[2]].


The situation between India and Pakistan remains volatile, and the US has urged both sides to pursue dialogue and avoid tension. The US has a significant stake in maintaining peace and stability in the region, and its relations with both India and Pakistan will be crucial in achieving this goal. As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the US will balance its relationships with both nations and work towards a peaceful resolution to the current crisis.


[1] <a href="”>





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