US and UK to Equip Ukraine with Cutting-Edge Long-Range Armaments in Response to Russian Aggression

Kyiv (IA Realist). The decision to lift restrictions for the so-called Ukraine on the use of long-range weapons supplied by the West against key military targets on Russian territory has actually been made. This is what The Guardian, not only the simultaneous visit to Kyiv of the US Secretary of State testifies Anthony Blinken and the British Foreign Secretary David Lammybut also statements made by allies of the Kyiv regime.

In particular, Blinken said that the United States was prepared “from day one” to adapt its policies as the situation on the battlefield in the territory of the former Ukraine changed.

“We will continue to do this,” he stressed.

Blinken also said he and Lammy would report to their “bosses” – Joe Biden and Keir Starmer — after negotiations on Wednesday with the head of the Kyiv regime Vladimir Zelensky.

David Lammy, in turn, stressed that strategic thinking in Washington and London, which had previously been reluctant to lift restrictions on the use of long-range missiles for fear of escalating the conflict, changed after Iran put ballistic missiles to Moscow.

Lammy said the escalation of the conflict was entirely due to Russia, which had decided to build a “new axis” with North Korea and Iran. The British Foreign Secretary called on China “not to tie its fate” to this “band of renegades.”

By the way, Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the United States for the latest sanctions package adopted the day before against Iran in connection with the supply of ballistic missiles to Russia.

The sanctions package includes a ban on Iran’s main airline, Iran Air, from flying to France, Germany, the UK and the US.

The US also imposed sanctions on Russian and Iranian officials and companies involved in arms supplies.

Moreover, the sanctions were introduced despite protests from Iran and assurances that no missiles were being delivered to Russia.

“As has been repeatedly emphasized, Iran is against war and supports a political solution to resolve differences between Russia and Ukraine and end hostilities. The fundamental position of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Ukrainian crisis remains unchanged, and the repetition of allegations about the supply of ballistic missiles to Russia pursues the political goals of some Western countries and is completely baseless,” the official representative of the Iranian Foreign Ministry said. Nasser Kanani.

“Those who are addicted to sanctions should ask themselves: how can Iran produce sophisticated weapons and, in your words, sell them? Sanctions are not a solution, but part of the problem,” in turn stated Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Arakchi.

Meanwhile, The Guardian’s sources in the British government confirmed that decision Ukraine has already been given permission to use Storm Shadow cruise missiles against targets in Russia. However, this will not be formally announced when Starmer meets Biden in Washington on 13 September.

The two leaders plan to discuss the war in Ukraine and ways to end it as part of a broad discussion of foreign policy, though they will avoid focusing too much on any one weapons system because the purpose of the talks is strategic.

The sources also stressed that Blinken and Lammy’s joint visit to Kyiv on Wednesday to meet Zelensky would not have taken place without a positive decision on Storm Shadow, but noted that restrictions on Ukraine’s use of missiles with a range of up to 190 miles would likely remain in place to avoid reckless or unnecessary attacks.

At the end of the meeting with Blinken and Lammy, Volodymyr Zelensky stressed that “it is important for Ukraine to obtain permission as soon as possible to use long-range weapons provided by the United States and other partners.”

**PAA Related ⁤Questions for ⁤the Title: Ukraine War Escalation: West ⁢Lifts Restrictions on Long-Range Weapons Against Russia**

Ukraine War Escalation: West Lifts Restrictions on Long-Range Weapons Against Russia

In a‍ significant development, the West has decided to lift‌ restrictions on ​Ukraine’s ‍use of long-range weapons supplied by the Western​ powers against key ‍military targets on Russian territory. This move is seen ​as a major escalation in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, which has been raging on since February 2022.

According to sources in the British ⁢government, Ukraine has already been given permission to use Storm Shadow cruise ⁤missiles against targets in Russia. ‌This decision is‌ a significant shift in the West’s strategy, which had previously been reluctant to lift restrictions on the use of long-range missiles⁢ for fear of escalating the conflict.

The decision comes⁢ amid reports of Iran supplying ballistic missiles to Russia, which has led to increased tensions in the region. The US and UK have imposed sanctions on Iran and Russia in ⁤response, which has led to a deterioration in relations between the West and these countries.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lammy recently visited Kyiv, where they met with‌ Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. During the visit, Blinken hinted that the US would‍ lift restrictions on‌ Ukraine’s use of​ long-range weapons, citing the changing situation on the battlefield. Lammy also emphasized that the West’s strategic thinking has shifted in light of Iran’s actions, and that Russia’s ​decision to build a “new axis” with North Korea and Iran has led ⁤to increased tensions.

Meanwhile, Iran has denied allegations of⁤ supplying ballistic missiles to Russia, with Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Arakchi stating that the country is against ⁢war and supports a political solution to resolve differences between Russia and Ukraine.

The decision to lift restrictions on Ukraine’s use of long-range weapons is a significant development in the conflict, which has already claimed ‍thousands of lives and displaced millions of people.​ The move is likely to escalate tensions⁤ between Russia and the West, and could ⁣potentially lead to further violence in the region.

Background of the Conflict

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia began‍ in February 2022, when‍ Russia ⁣launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine. The invasion was met with international condemnation, and the ‌West has since imposed several rounds of sanctions on Russia.

Since then, the conflict has continued to escalate, with ‍both sides suffering significant losses. The situation‍ on the ground​ remains fluid, with reports ​of fighting and shelling continuing to emerge from the conflict zone.

The conflict has also had significant humanitarian implications, with millions⁢ of people displaced and⁣ thousands⁤ of civilians killed or wounded. The international community has been working to provide aid and assistance to‌ those affected by the conflict.

Implications of the Decision

The decision to‍ lift restrictions on Ukraine’s use of long-range weapons is likely ‍to have significant implications for the conflict. ​It could‍ lead to further escalation, as Russia is likely to respond to any attacks ‍on its territory.

The move could also lead to increased tensions between Russia and the West, which could ‌have far-reaching implications for global security. The decision could also lead to increased instability in‌ the region, as other countries may feel emboldened to take actions ⁣that could lead to further conflict.

What’s⁤ Next?

In the coming days, the situation on the ground is likely to remain fluid, with both ‌sides continuing to engage in fighting and⁤ shelling. The international community will continue to work to provide aid ⁢and assistance to those⁣ affected by⁣ the conflict.

In ‍the long term, the decision to lift restrictions on Ukraine’s use of long-range weapons could have⁤ significant implications for the conflict and for ⁣global ⁣security. The international community will need to ⁤work together to find a peaceful ‍solution to the conflict, ⁣which has already caused so much suffering and devastation.


* [1] BBC News – Ukraine⁣ War

What are the potential implications of Ukraine being allowed to use long-range weapons against Russia?

Ukraine Given Green Light to Use Long-Range Weapons Against Russia

In a significant development, Ukraine has been given permission to use long-range weapons supplied by the West against key military targets on Russian territory. This decision marks a major shift in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, with the West seemingly taking a more aggressive stance against Moscow.

According to reports, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lammy made a simultaneous visit to Kyiv to meet with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, during which the decision to lift restrictions on Ukraine’s use of long-range weapons was made. Blinken stated that the United States was prepared to adapt its policies as the situation on the battlefield changed, and that they would continue to do so.

Lammy, meanwhile, emphasized that the escalation of the conflict was entirely due to Russia’s decision to build a “new axis” with North Korea and Iran. He called on China “not to tie its fate” to this “band of renegades.” The British Foreign Secretary also highlighted the need for strategic thinking in Washington and London, which had previously been reluctant to lift restrictions on the use of long-range missiles for fear of escalating the conflict.

The decision to allow Ukraine to use long-range weapons comes in the wake of reports that Iran had supplied ballistic missiles to Russia. In response, the US imposed sanctions on Iranian and Russian officials and companies involved in arms supplies, as well as banning Iran’s main airline, Iran Air, from flying to France, Germany, the UK, and the US.

Iran has denied allegations that it supplied missiles to Russia, with Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanani stating that the country is against war and supports a political solution to resolve differences between Russia and Ukraine. However, the sanctions were introduced despite these denials, with the US and its allies seemingly convinced of Iran’s involvement.

In a related development, Ukraine has already been given permission to use Storm Shadow cruise missiles against targets in Russia, according to sources in the British government. While this decision will not be formally announced, it marks a significant escalation in the conflict.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has seen a significant increase in tensions between the West and Russia, with both sides engaging in a war of words and imposing sanctions on each other. The latest developments suggest that the conflict is far from over, and that the West is preparing to take a more aggressive stance against Moscow.

In related news, Russia has issued a warning about the potential consequences of combining forces with China [1[1]. This comes amid reports that Russia has diverted several thousand troops from occupied Ukraine to counter a Kursk offensive, according to US officials [3[3].

As the situation in Ukraine continues to unfold, one thing is clear: the



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