US Analyst Predicts Ukrainian Forces May Struggle to Endure Through Year-End

“I’m not sure they’re going to make it to the end of the year because everything is happening so quickly and they’re desperately trying to figure out what to do,” Johnson said in an interview with YouTube channel Judging Freedom.

“The Ukrainian armed forces will not be able to turn the situation on the front,” he added.

Johnson stressed that “Ukraine is simply suffering catastrophic losses on all fronts,” noting that there is no way to stop these losses in the foreseeable future.

As Russian forces continue to advance in Kursk province after thwarting the Ukrainian attack, the eastern front is witnessing significant progress by Russian forces, which are now a few kilometers away from the city of Krasnoarmeysk (Bakrovsk in Ukrainian), which is considered a vital logistical center for Kiev’s forces, in light of continuous field gains for weeks, the latest of which was the liberation of the towns of Petechya and Vymka in the Donetsk Republic.

Earlier, the British newspaper “The Sunday Times” reported that the Ukrainian armed forces are facing the collapse of their defenses in Krasnoarmeysk against the backdrop of the “adventure” in the Kursk region, which brings Russia closer to achieving a major victory.

As the newspaper points out, Kiev hoped, through its attack on the Kursk region, to divert the attention of Russian forces from the Donbass, where Ukrainian forces were suffering from “unbearable” pressure, but this hope faded and the plan failed.

In the same context, the Deputy Head of the Political-Military Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Apti Alaudinov, announced that the Russian forces dominate the entire combat contact line and are making significant progress on the Donetsk axis.

He also stressed that despite the recent “rush” of Ukrainian formations on the Kursk axis and attempts to advance, the enemy is being destroyed and will continue to be destroyed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin had indicated that one of the goals of the Ukrainian offensive on Kursk was to slow down the pace of the Russian forces’ offensive in Donbas, but in reality this offensive not only did not slow down but its pace increased, contrary to Kiev’s expectations.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the irreplaceable losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces along the entire front line by the end of July exceeded 700,000 people. In addition, the losses of the Ukrainian army since the start of its offensive on Kursk on August 6 amounted to more than 9,300 soldiers, 81 tanks, hundreds of armored vehicles of various types, rocket launchers, air defense systems, 17 electronic warfare stations and 7 radar stations.

Source: RT

#expert #Ukrainian #forces #hold #year
2024-09-06 14:02:11
Ukraine on Brink of Collapse as Russian Forces‍ Advance on Multiple Fronts

The situation ‍in Ukraine is becoming increasingly dire as Russian ⁣forces continue​ to make significant gains on ‌multiple fronts. According to military analysts and experts, Ukraine’s armed forces are facing catastrophic losses and are struggling to hold back the ⁢Russian advance. In ‌a recent interview, retired US Colonel Douglas MacGregor⁣ predicted⁤ that Ukraine may not​ make it to the end‌ of the year, citing the ​rapid pace of events and the desperation of Ukraine’s ⁣efforts to respond to ⁣the Russian offensive.

Catastrophic Losses on⁤ All ‌Fronts

MacGregor ‍stressed that Ukraine is suffering heavy losses on all fronts, with no⁤ end ‌in sight. The ⁤Ukrainian armed forces‍ are unable ‌to turn the situation ⁢around, and their defenses are on the brink of collapse. This assessment is supported by reports from the front lines, where Russian forces⁣ are advancing steadily‌ and Ukrainian forces are⁢ retreating.

Significant Progress on‍ the Eastern Front

In the Kursk province, Russian forces have thwarted a Ukrainian⁢ attack and are now just a few kilometers away ‌from the city of Krasnoarmeysk, a vital⁢ logistical center for ​Kiev’s forces. The city is considered a ​key prize in the region, and its capture ‍would ‌deal a significant blow to ​Ukraine’s ability to supply its troops.

Russian‌ forces have also⁣ made significant gains in the Donetsk Republic, ​liberating the⁣ towns of‌ Petechya and Vymka in recent weeks. ⁢These ⁢advances have‍ brought Russian forces closer to achieving a major​ victory in the region.

Failed Ukrainian Offensive

Earlier, the Ukrainian ⁢armed‌ forces launched an offensive ⁢in the Kursk region, hoping to divert Russian attention away from the Donbass region, where Ukrainian forces ⁤were under unbearable pressure. However, this plan ‍has failed, and Ukraine’s hopes‌ of ‌slowing down the Russian ​advance ​have been dashed.

Russian Forces Dominate the Combat Contact Line

Major⁣ General Apti Alaudinov, the ⁤Deputy‌ Head of the Political-Military ​Department‌ of the‍ Russian Ministry of⁣ Defense,⁢ has announced that Russian forces dominate the entire combat contact line ‍and are making significant⁤ progress on the Donetsk ‌axis. Despite recent Ukrainian attempts to advance, Russian forces are destroying the enemy and will continue⁣ to do so.

Putin’s Strategy

Russian President Vladimir Putin has⁢ indicated that one of the goals of the ‍Ukrainian offensive on Kursk⁤ was ⁢to slow down the pace of‌ the ⁣Russian forces’ ⁤offensive in Donbas. However, this strategy has failed, and Russian forces are continuing ⁢to press their advantage.

Implications for Ukraine’s Future

The⁤ implications of Ukraine’s military collapse are far-reaching and potentially devastating. Ukraine’s economy is already in shambles, ⁢and the loss of key ​cities and⁣ territories⁢ could lead to a‍ complete breakdown of the country’s infrastructure. The humanitarian consequences of such a ⁢collapse would be⁢ catastrophic, with millions​ of people potentially displaced or affected.


the situation in Ukraine is critical, with⁣ Russian forces advancing on multiple ⁣fronts and Ukraine’s armed forces struggling to respond. The catastrophic losses suffered by Ukraine’s military and ⁤the failed Ukrainian ⁣offensive on Kursk have brought the country to the brink of collapse. As⁣ the situation​ continues to deteriorate,⁢ the world watches with bated breath, wondering what the⁢ future holds for Ukraine.

Keywords: Ukraine, Russia, war, military‍ conflict, ⁤Kursk, Donetsk, Donbass, Russian forces, Ukrainian​ armed forces, Vladimir Putin, Douglas ⁤MacGregor.



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