Uruguayan Model and Group Arrested at Carrasco Airport: Cocaine Trafficking to Spain

2023-08-02 13:35:32
A group of five people was arrested at the Carrasco airport for wanting to send 6.5 kilos of cocaine to Spain (Ministry of the Interior of Uruguay)

(From Montevideo, Uruguay) Uruguayan model Mía Etcheverría’s preparations to send two suitcases containing 6.5 kilograms of cocaine to Spain began at least two weeks before a group was detained at the Carrasco airport in Uruguay. The former porn actress had spoken via Telegram with those who would take the drug to Europe and, in the days before the flight, she had met a man who delivered the substance to her.

While Etcheverría remains in pretrial detention in a women’s prison in Montevideo, the Uruguayan Justice sentenced a man who acknowledged the crime of attempting to export narcotic substances to three years and six months in prison, reported Montevideo Portal. The detainee made an abbreviated agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office, which implies recognizing the crime in exchange for a lesser sentence.

The man is the first person convicted in this investigation. His role was focused on the organization to get drugs out of the country. Therefore, he did not go to the airport at the time of travel.

At the Uruguayan air terminal, the police detained a group of people who had accompanied the passengers. After detecting a suspicious attitude, they summoned a 29-year-old man for inspection and found that two of the suitcases had a false bottom, inside which there were six plates of the white powdery substance.

That detainee was not alone. The group was also made up of Etcheverría, two other women and one more man.

The Uruguayan model is prosecuted with preventive detention in a Montevideo jail (@mia.etch)

In addition to the five people arrested at the airport and charged by the Justice, the prosecutor Cristina Falcomer was looking for a sixth that was linked to the case. To find her, the Prosecutor’s Office tracked Etcheverría’s movements prior to the flight. Thanks to the intertwining of cell phone antennas, she located her in the same place as the convicted man in the days prior to his capture, reported El Observador.

In addition, the video surveillance cameras of the Ministry of the Interior captured them near their meeting point. To these two tests was added the conversations that the protagonists had, to which the justice system agreed following seizing the cell phones of the accused.

From these seizures, it was discovered that Etcheverría was in charge of instructing the people who would carry the drugs. She had conversations with them via Telegram, in which she suggested that they behave “as touristy as possible” to go unnoticed. “It is your attitude that will determine your trip, do you understand? Travel listening to music, ”she advised them.

The Uruguayan Prosecutor believes it has enough evidence to convict the former Uruguayan porn actress (@mia.etch)

The union of the conversations, the images from the security camera and the crossing of locations generated a “cumulus of evidence” that led the new implicated to “immediately” accept an abbreviated agreement for his sentence, the prosecutor told El Observador.

The prosecutor also wants to negotiate an abbreviated agreement with Etcheverría’s lawyer because she considers that “the Prosecutor’s Office has more than enough evidence” to convict her. Among these elements is the statement of the convicted person, who admitted that he delivered the drug to the model.

The lawyers of the others involved took several audios on flash drives and are studying the situation of their clients.

The suitcases that traveled to Spain had a false bottom that hid 6.5 kilograms of cocaine (Ministry of the Interior of Uruguay)

In his first statements, Mía Etcheverría’s defender, Pablo Casas, said that his client did not plan to travel with those suitcases and that his role was limited to helping the 29-year-old man buy tickets and accompany him to the airport. “I was unaware of the contents of the suitcases,” said the lawyer on the Algo Contigo program on Channel 4.

The Prosecutor’s Office, however, charged her as a co-author for an attempted export of narcotic substances. In the inquiries that the prosecutor carries out, she seeks to find out if there are other criminals with a profile similar to the one convicted.

Keep reading:

The chats in which the former porn actress arrested in Uruguay gave advice to hide cocaine trafficking to Spain A young woman was arrested at the Montevideo airport when she was taking cocaine to Spain in packages of tuna, ketchup and shampoo The incredible life of the Uruguayan drug trafficker Marset in Bolivia : lived in a mansion full of weapons and exotic animals and played soccer
#sentenced #man #delivered #cocaine #Uruguayan #porn #actress #traffic #Spain



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