Uroshajne Liberation: Ukrainian Forces Repel Counter-Attacks – Leadership Problems and Drunken Soldiers

2023-08-16 07:45:00

Kiev: Counter-attacks repelled Ukrainian forces liberate Uroshajne

08/16/2023, 09:45 am

Leadership problems, drunken soldiers and an advancing Ukrainian army. There have been increasing signs of late that things are not going well for Moscow’s troops in the Uroshayne region. Now Ukraine announces the liberation of the place.

According to its own statements, the Ukrainian army has taken complete control of the village of Uroshayne, which has been fought over for days, during its counter-offensive in the south. “Uroshayne is liberated,” Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Malyar wrote on the social network Telegram. The Ukrainian soldiers therefore fortified their positions on the outskirts. The general staff in Kiev said in its morning report that Russian counter-attacks on Uroshaine had been fended off. The Ministry of Defense itself also spoke on Twitter of the liberation of the small town in the Donetsk region.

Military information about changes at the front can often not be confirmed immediately; However, experts analyze the movements with the help of photos or videos from the combat area. Uroshayne is one of the points where the Ukrainian army has penetrated furthest into the mined Russian defense lines. Russian military bloggers complained that reserves were too weak to hold the village.

The Institute for War Studies (ISW) had previously reported that “the discrepancy between Russian accounts of Uroshayne likely indicates that Russian forces have largely withdrawn from the core of the settlement to the outskirts”. In its analysis, however, the ISW still assumed that the Ukrainian armed forces “probably did not gain complete control over the center or the south”.

In addition, there have recently been indications that Russian units in the region may have poor morale and leadership problems. According to the ISW, a Russian military blogger complained that a motorized rifle brigade had failed to deploy armored units to support its infantry in Uroshayne. She is said to have withdrawn early on August 10 because reinforcements were allegedly missing. In reality, however, the unit’s personnel were said to have been in rear areas and intoxicated.

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