Uribe Praises Venezuelan Opposition for Pioneering Efforts in Uncovering Alleged Election Irregularities

Uribe Praises Venezuelan Opposition for Pioneering Efforts in Uncovering Alleged Election Irregularities

Former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010) said from Paraguay that the Venezuelan opposition, led by politician María Corina Machado, is the first democratic group that has managed to detect an alleged “electoral fraud” after the presidential elections of July 28 in which Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

“For the first time in my life, I see that a democratic opposition has managed to detect fraud,” Uribe said in a talk on leadership that he gave at the 2024 edition of the Paraguayan Chamber of Supermarkets (Capasu) exhibition that is taking place in the city of Luque, about 20 kilometers from Asunción.

The Colombian politician was referring in this way to the controversial presidential elections in Venezuela on July 28, in which, according to electoral authorities, President Nicolás Maduro was the official winner with 51.95% of the votes, compared to 43.18% of the votes obtained by the opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.

“For the first time, Maria Corina and Edmundo’s organization is able to detect this fraud,” said the former president, who recalled that on other occasions the opposition also claimed that there were alleged “fraudulent” elections during the government of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (1999-2013).

PUD Security

The main opposition coalition – the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – claims that González won the election by a wide margin after having uploaded “83.5% of the electoral records” collected by witnesses and polling station members on a website.

The former Colombian president stressed that the revelation of the alleged fraud reached “the point” that the presidents of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva; of Colombia, Gustavo Petro; and of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, “could not recognize the fraudulent victory of Maduro,” a habitual ally of the three leftist leaders.

According to Uribe, “we have to learn a lot” from Machado, since he delivered a “perfect” speech that confronted the Chavista leadership and not its social base.

“I think that the discourse of the last few years has been perfect, a discourse that allowed him to build a large opposition, adding his own to the Chavista bases that came to him,” he analyzed.

He also stressed that Machado, who was disqualified from holding public office by the Supreme Court of Venezuela last January, managed to articulate a unified discourse that rules out revenge in the exercise of a possible government.

Value of speech

“A very beautiful speech about family, about the union of Venezuelans, and Edmundo supports her in that, because he says: Ours will not be a government of revenge,” the politician reflected.

Paraguayan President Santiago Peña also participated in the Capasu exhibition, with whom Uribe had a private meeting earlier.

Asuncion / EFE

#Uribe #Venezuelan #opposition #pioneer #proving #alleged #electoral #fraud
2024-09-07 19:32:31

⁤ What were Álvaro Uribe’s key points regarding electoral fraud in Venezuela’s ⁢presidential ​elections?⁣ ‍

Álvaro Uribe: The​ Colombian President Who Spoke Out Against Electoral Fraud

Álvaro Uribe, the former President‍ of ‍Colombia from 2002 to 2010, recently made headlines when he spoke out against alleged electoral fraud in Venezuela’s⁤ presidential elections [[1]]. Speaking at the 2024 ​edition of the Paraguayan Chamber​ of Supermarkets (Capasu)​ exhibition in Luque, Paraguay, Uribe praised the Venezuelan opposition, led by María Corina Machado, for being the first democratic group to⁢ detect electoral fraud [[1]].

Uribe, who served as⁣ President of Colombia for two‌ terms, is known for his strong stance ‍against guerrilla groups and his ‍efforts ⁤to expand the Colombian military and police ‍forces to ‌combat the ⁢FARC guerrilla [[2]]. However, in this instance,⁢ he directed his attention to the Venezuelan presidential elections, ⁢where Nicolás Maduro was declared⁢ the winner ⁢with 51.95% of ⁤the ⁢votes, ⁢compared to 43.18% of the votes obtained by the⁢ opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia​ [[1]].

The former Colombian President expressed his admiration for ⁣Machado’s leadership, stating that she delivered a ⁤”perfect” speech that confronted the⁣ Chavista leadership without ​alienating its ​social base ‌ [[1]].​ He ​also‌ emphasized ​the importance of learning from Machado’s approach, which allowed her to build a large opposition⁤ by ​adding her own supporters to the Chavista bases that came to her [[1]].

Uribe’s comments came amid controversy surrounding ⁤the Venezuelan presidential elections, with the main opposition coalition, the Democratic​ Unitary Platform‍ (PUD), claiming that González won the election by a wide margin after uploading 83.5% ‍of the electoral records collected by witnesses and⁣ polling station members on a website [[1]]. The revelation of the alleged⁣ fraud was significant enough that⁣ the presidents of Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico,⁣ all ⁢of whom ⁤are leftist leaders ​and habitual allies of⁣ Maduro, could not recognize his victory [[1]].

As a prominent figure in Colombian⁤ politics, Uribe’s words carry significant ​weight. ‌He is ⁤often referred to‌ as Colombia’s most powerful man, and his influence extends beyond​ his country’s borders [[3]]. His statement on the alleged electoral fraud in Venezuela‍ serves as⁣ a testament to his commitment to democratic values⁤ and his ⁤willingness​ to speak out against injustices, ‌even‍ when they occur beyond his country’s borders.

Álvaro Uribe’s comments on the ‍alleged electoral fraud in Venezuela’s presidential elections highlight the importance of democratic values⁢ and‌ the need for transparency and accountability in the electoral‌ process. As a seasoned politician and leader, Uribe’s words serve ⁢as a reminder that fighting for democracy ‍and fairness ‍is an​ ongoing battle that requires​ constant vigilance⁤ and commitment.

What were Álvaro Uribe’s main arguments against the legitimacy of Nicolás Maduro’s victory in the Venezuelan presidential elections?

Álvaro Uribe: The Colombian President Who Spoke Out Against Electoral Fraud

Álvaro Uribe, the former President of Colombia from 2002 to 2010, recently made headlines when he spoke out against alleged electoral fraud in Venezuela’s presidential elections. Speaking at the 2024 edition of the Paraguayan Chamber of Supermarkets (Capasu) exhibition in Luque, Paraguay, Uribe praised the Venezuelan opposition, led by María Corina Machado, for being the first democratic group to detect electoral fraud.

Uribe, who served as President of Colombia for two terms, is known for his strong stance against guerrilla groups and his efforts to expand the Colombian military and police forces to combat the FARC guerrilla [[2]]. However, in this instance, he directed his attention to the Venezuelan presidential elections, where Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner with 51.95% of the votes, compared to 43.18% of the votes obtained by the opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia [[1]].

The former Colombian President expressed his admiration for Machado’s leadership, stating that she delivered a “perfect” speech that confronted the Chavista leadership without alienating its social base [[1]]. He also emphasized the importance of learning from Machado’s approach, which allowed her to build a large opposition by adding her own supporters to the Chavista bases that came to her [[1]].

Uribe’s comments came amid controversy surrounding the Venezuelan presidential elections, with the main opposition coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), claiming that González won the election by a wide margin after uploading 83.5% of the electoral records collected by witnesses and polling station members on a website [[1]]. The revelation of the alleged fraud was significant enough that the presidents of Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, all of whom are leftist leaders and habitual allies of Maduro, could not recognize his victory [[1]].

As a prominent figure in Colombian politics, Uribe’s words carry significant weight. He is



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