[Urgent dialogue]Mayor Shijo Hatake participated in “Open Recruitment for the Next Mayor” × Tokyo Governor Election “Leiwa Da Vinci” ranked 5th | Forbes JAPAN official website (Forbes Japan)

2024-09-28 03:15:00

On September 25, a mayor unexpectedly announced that he would retire at the end of this season and launched an open search for a successor. I am Higashi Shuhei, the mayor of Shijohan.

Politics is said to be the least reformed area of ​​Japanese society. At present, the ruling party’s black money issues and leader harassment issues continue to erupt, and political distrust has further intensified, forming a vicious circle and political deterioration has become more obvious. In an environment where the right future remains unclear, there are young politicians committed to “creating a new political system”.

One of them is Dong Zhouping mentioned at the beginning. After working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Nomura Research Institute, Azuma ran for and was elected mayor of his hometown of Shijohata at the age of 28. As the youngest sitting mayor (at the time), he continued to take on new challenges for local government, including not only rebuilding finances, but also working with private human resources services companies to recruit deputy mayors and establishing collaborative community development systems using messaging applications. .

The other person is Takahiro Anno.Forbes Japan November issue “Cultural Entrepreneurs 30: Cultural Entrepreneurs Who Move the World”Also selected, Mr. Anno (page 59) is a graduate of Yu Matsuo’s laboratory at the University of Tokyo. After working at Boston Consulting Group, he founded a series of companies applying and implementing LLM (large-scale language models), and even won a newcomer award for a science fiction novel he wrote. “

In 2024, he will participate in the Tokyo governor election and rank fifth with 150,000 votes. Audrey Chen, Taiwan’s former Minister of Digital Development, has also become a hot topic as a new type of politician. Her campaign goal is to make full use of artificial intelligence to achieve digital democracy.

Why did these two men take on the challenge of creating a new political system? We contacted the Forbes JAPAN editorial department and Shijo Hatake City to learn about their true intentions (Interviewer/Text: Akaashi Shinichiro/Reporter).

As the trend of the times changes, politicians should also change with it.

──The news on the 25th was surprising. He is said to be retiring after two terms as mayor.

Dong Zhouping (hereinafter referred to as Dong): In fact, on September 25, I held a press conference in Tokyo to announce that I would resign as mayor of Shijohan at the end of this season. Additionally, upon my retirement, I announced that we would conduct a nationwide search for candidates for our next mayor. My goal is to create a process that allows new people to become local leaders.

Politics is a world with high barriers to entry. Being a politician is extremely difficult unless you have the support of an existing political party or are second or third generation. There are also hurdles in terms of campaign finance and having to fight in an unfamiliar election. I believe there is a need to create a “system” that removes barriers to entry so that new talent can easily navigate political challenges.

#Urgent #dialogueMayor #Shijo #Hatake #participated #Open #Recruitment #Mayor #Tokyo #Governor #Election #Leiwa #Vinci #ranked #5th #Forbes #JAPAN #official #website #Forbes #Japan



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