Urgent.. Developments in the health of the artist, Mohamed Yousry.. Pray for him to perform a stent in the heart

A state of great anxiety spread among the public after the young artist, Mohamed Yousry, announced that he had passed through a severe health problem in the past few hours, and that he underwent an operation to install stents in the heart yesterday, after he felt a state of extreme stress.

Developments in the health of the artist, Mohamed Yousry, after the heart stent

Hana Ibrahim Yousry, the sister of the artist, Mohamed Ibrahim Yousry, was keen to reassure his fans about him, and revealed the developments in his health condition after he had recently had a heart attack, and confirmed that he would be discharged from the hospital After his health stabilizes and he is reassured.

Mohamed Yousry discovered that he had a heart attack

She spoke here that her brother felt slight fatigue and a sharp drop in the blood cycle, and this is after the tests were carried out, and he discovered a clot in the heart and quickly entered the operating room, and asked her brother’s audience to pray for him urgently, to get out quickly from the hospital after his recovery as soon as possible. .

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