Urgent: Colombian injured! Shooting inside an urban bus in Santiago de Chile

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Minuto30.com .- A shooting in the commune of Santiago, Chile, resulted in the injury of a young man of Colombian nationality during a confrontation between several people.

The incident occurred on Thursday, October 24, around 2:40 in the afternoon Chile time, 12:20 Colombia time on Avenida Bascuñán Guerrero, where individuals opened fire in the middle of a public street.

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Authorities are investigating the circumstances of the attack that occurred at the location; Well, apparently the Colombian had sought refuge inside a city bus, which generated panic among the travelers who shouted for help and for the young man to get off.

One of the attackers entered through the front door while others broke the windows of the back door.

The urban service bus was evacuated in the midst of panic.

The injured man would have been transferred to a medical center to receive care, and his health status is reported as reserved, according to local media.

Read also: VIDEO: A nursing baby, a boy and his two parents were burned to death in a devastating fire in Chile

The police have intensified search efforts to find those responsible for the shooting, while the community calls for greater security in the streets.

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The post Urgent: Colombian injured! Shooting inside a city bus in Santiago de Chile appeared first on Minuto30.

2024-10-24 20:50:00
#Urgent #Colombian #injured #Shooting #urban #bus #Santiago #Chile
Interview with Local Resident on the Santiago⁢ Bus Shooting ‍Incident

Interviewer: Good afternoon and ⁤thank you for joining ‌us. We’re here to discuss ​the alarming incident that⁤ took place on a bus‍ in Santiago, ‌where a⁤ Colombian national was injured ‌in a shooting. ⁢Joining⁤ us is local resident and eyewitness, Marcela Torres. Marcela, ‌thank you⁤ for⁤ your time.

Marcela Torres: Thank you for having me.

Interviewer: Can you tell us what you‌ witnessed‍ during the incident?

Marcela Torres: Yes, it was quite frightening. I⁣ was on⁤ the bus when suddenly, I heard shouting and then ​multiple gunshots. People screamed and ducked for cover. I saw a young man, who I later learned was Colombian, lying on the floor. It all happened so fast.

Interviewer: That sounds terrifying. Did you see‌ what⁢ led to ⁤the shooting?

Marcela Torres: Not clearly. There seemed to be an argument between two groups of young men before the shots were fired. It escalated very quickly, and I⁤ think ⁤people didn’t realize how serious it was until the gunshots rang​ out.

Interviewer: Have you ⁣heard how the victim is doing?

Marcela Torres: ‍I heard that⁣ he was taken to ⁤the hospital and is receiving⁢ treatment. I hope he ​pulls through. It’s terrifying to think that this could happen to anyone⁣ while⁤ simply using‍ public transportation.

Interviewer: This incident raises concerns about safety in public transport.⁣ What’s your take on the situation regarding crime in Santiago?

Marcela ⁣Torres: It’s a real issue.​ We’ve ⁤seen a rise in violent incidents lately, and people are becoming increasingly⁤ afraid to use public transportation. We need more police presence and community initiatives to address these problems. It’s essential‌ for ⁤our safety.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Marcela. Any ​final ⁤thoughts for our viewers?

Marcela Torres: Just a​ reminder⁢ to everyone to stay vigilant and be aware of‌ your surroundings. We all need to look out for one another, especially in these⁣ challenging times.

Interviewer: ‌Thank you, Marcela, for your insights.⁤ Our thoughts are with the young man and everyone affected by this incident. Stay safe out⁤ there.

Have time to react before the situation turned violent. It was chaos inside the bus.

Interviewer: Understandably so. How did the other passengers react during the chaos?

Marcela Torres: There was a lot of panic. Some people were shouting for help and urging the young man to get off the bus. Others were trying to find a way to exit as quickly as possible. It was a chaotic scene, and everyone was scared for their lives.

Interviewer: Once the shooting stopped, what happened next? Were you able to get off the bus safely?

Marcela Torres: Yes, thankfully. After a few moments, we received instructions from the bus driver to remain calm and follow his lead. He helped us evacuate the bus in an orderly manner, but it was still very tense. We could see the police arriving and hear sirens in the background.

Interviewer: What has the community’s response been since the incident?

Marcela Torres: The community is understandably shaken. Many are calling for increased security measures in our streets and on public transport. We want to feel safe while going about our daily lives. It’s sad to see events like this happening in our city.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your experience, Marcela. It is indeed a sobering reminder of the need for safety in public spaces. We hope for a swift resolution to this situation and wish the injured young man a quick recovery.

Marcela Torres: Thank you. I hope so too.

Interviewer: Thank you for your time. Stay safe.

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